Great post, as usual. I also am optimistic and think that it is darkest since dawn, their plan to vax everyone is failing, resistance is mounting, and Fauci is on the way out. (will probably be found dead and ruled suicide).

Since you mentioned the UK, I have a write-up about their vaccine failure disaster, based on PHE data.


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Thanks again, Igor. I read your Substack. Very interesting. I, too, wish the CDC would be more forthcoming with our vaxxed/unvaxxed data here.

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Instead of being forthcoming, CDC is engaging in publishing nonsensical articles about how vaccination reduces ALL CAUSE mortality by three times (I kid you not!)

That article is likely an artifact of a mathematical error. I explain it here.


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Oh, and it blows my mind that some (many?) parents are willing to offer up their children as subjects in this, the biggest biology experiment every conducted on humans. Given the almost infinitesimally low risk that this virus presents to children, it makes no sense at all.

My own kids are in adults in their twenties now, and both have independently concluded that it makes no sense for them.

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From day one our government and the media have been exaggerating the threat to children. It was clear in January 2020, looking at the data coming from China, that this virus posed little risk to children. In fact, I knew something very suspicious was going on as soon as I saw Fauci on TV pretending not to know that the virus wasn't killing children.

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You should see in investor news releases for Moderna. They have cooked up lots of mRNA vax ideas for children. Just saw a commercial on TV yesterday calling for participants in their "RSV" vaccine. They have mRNA Quadrivalent vax that investors must be salivating over. This Plandemic was intended to introduce to the world under EUA lots of mRNA that has previously failed in trials over last 10 years (SARS-1, MERS ect) still in trials. This SARS-CoV-2 virus was specifically engineered along with mRNA technology. The "virus" was "made" for the vaccines. My fear is that they will release a more deadly virus (Fauci was working on Bioweapon Biologicals back with Pres. Reagan), so decades of development of killer virus has brought us to this place. Boyle's new Bitchute video interview explains the history. https://www.bitchute.com/video/hn2sz2dnGfY2/

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I'm afraid you're right. Moderna is just a shell company for DARPA. They're also involved in the bat and gain of function experimentation. Problem, Reaction, Solution.

"Moderna: A Company “In Need Of A Hail Mary”" https://unlimitedhangout.com/2021/10/investigative-reports/moderna-a-company-in-need-of-a-hail-mary/

"Bats, Gene Editing and Bioweapons: Recent DARPA Experiments Raise Concerns Amid Coronavirus Outbreak" https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/bats-gene-editing-bioweapons-recent-darpa-experiments-raise-concerns-amid-coronavirus-outbreak/

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really great articles. I am continually amazed at the quality of writing on substack, and also the quality of the discourse in the comment section.

Thank you to all involved

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Same!! It's my new obsession...

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I echo you comment. I am vaccinated (Phizer) but am over 65. I have risk factors. But children (except maybe those with comorbidities) are not at risk for severe illness or death. Why are officials pushing the dangerous substances? I am angry and frustrated.

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Shared on Twitter. Thank you so much for all the detailed research and extremely well written post. #ProtectTheControlGroup #EndMedicalTyranny #NOmRNAvaxForChildren

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Beautiful, clearly written, well-sourced article. Thank you.

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Thank you!

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A funeral director speaks out https://youtu.be/LIWul_nbMu8

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Thank you for putting this whole situation into perspective in terms that are accessible to everyone yet do not understate or overstate its gravity. Hat's off on a very necessary job well done!

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I am an octogenarian UK expat, former national newspaper journalist doing everything I can to save my five children and two grandchildren from being injected with an experimental gene therapy masquerading as a vaccine

. I discovered your Substack material quite by chance a few hours ago and must say I am very impressed (as no doubt your regular readers are) with the depth and detail of your investigations and the lucid way the information is presented, with checkable references.

Citizen investigative journalists like your good self are a vital antidote to the mendacious and malicious misinformation blatantly pumped out by the mainstream media on behalf of its government and Big Pharma sponsors.

It is heartening to see a teacher batting for the children. But we need more educators to pluck up the courage to follow your example. Keep up the good work!

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Excellent information - thanks for writing this.

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Thank you for reading. Please share with parents in your sphere.

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Well the delta variant (now omicron) popped up well after the vaccines were designed. So the fact that it's efficacy against infection isn't as good as it was against the original wild type strain isn't a fair criticism.

They still show good efficacy in reducing hospitalisation and death. That's why the booster shot was introduced after.

The whole state of affairs It's not as malicious as you're describing.

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Outstanding series. I forwarded these links to my Children so they can work with us Grandparents and make the right decision for our Grandchildren.

I already chose to get a medical waiver for my work. My Dr. was apprehensive until I presented him with numerous links, including these at SubStack.

I do not want to "take the HR dept to the woodshed" because I love my job and my work helps protect the US WarFighter. DoD made a crucial error here.

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You stated, in part two of this series, that certain agencies "will be free to blame something other than the vaccines on the sudden, dramatic increase" in health problems which comprise the long list of maladies and death accompanying the shots. Interestingly, there is a story circulating, which I have yet to verify, that the WHO and Gates are about to release a new fake pandemic---Marburg, which they say is akin to hemorrhagic fever as a cover up for the blood clots, embolisms, cerebral hemorrhages resulting from the shots. Followed by another "vaccine" called Rivax which contains the poison, ricin. They have already developed pcr tests for "Marburg." Has anyone else heard of this? Given the fact that we are witnessing blatant lawlessness and disregard for individual rights and human life, I wouldn't put it past them to pull something like this.

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Excellent Darby. Nice to have it all in once place.

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It must be hard for people that are not in health care to understand what is going on. It surprises me sometimes. But our healthcare system has become totally unaccountable. In our current system - there are many mistakes - errors in diagnosis etc. These directly lead to complications and death. There is no quality control. If you work in a hospital system to improve quality, reduce costs and reduce medical errors - well you are ostracized and terminated.

CMS and later the ACA created these huge behemoths - that became difficult to manage and control. The sad reality of this is that bad healthcare - with its complications and unnecessary procedures - makes more money than good healthcare. hats what is driving the process now.

One year ago researchers from Washington Univ in STL wrote a paper on Covid using a repurposed drug called fluvoxamine. It was done in a double blind/placebo randomized trial. It showed amazing results. Our NIH and others ignored it, refused to do trials - just like what they did with HCQ and IVM. Now over a year later the together trial - confirmed these findings. 90% effective. $5 for a full treatment. Thousands have perished for no reason. Will there be accountability?

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I completely agree. Hospitals and healthcare providers are now being incentivized to provide care that is not only unhelpful but often downright dangerous. Covid has opened many more eyes to this phenomenon.

Imagine if we said to doctors and hospitals, "Henceforth, when you agree to treat a Covid patient, we will only pay you if and when that patient is discharged and fully recovered. We will no longer pay you for patients who die in your care."

Imagine how quickly and dramatically Covid care would change! Literally overnight, we would see doctors and hospitals rushing to fill prescriptions for HCQ, Ivermectin, and Fluvoxamine. We would see them handing patients Bettadine mouthwash and instructing them to gargle multiple times per day.

I.V. Vit C. NAC. So may great therapeutic options that our medical establishment currently will not touch with a ten-foot pole. The only reason they won't touch these treatments is because they are being paid tons of money to administer the treatments that we already know don't work.

I say, let's pay doctors and hospitals only for a job well done. Let's stop rewarding complete failure.

If you hire somebody to build you a home, and the home collapses all around you the first time you walk in the door, does the contractor get to keep the money? Why should the hospital or doctor?

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A well known physician at Hopkins - well known for quality improvement - was quoted as he left medicine for private industry - there is more quality control built into a washing machine than into current healthcare practices.

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Hi Darby, I wrote a post titled "Covid Tyranny Insurgency Manual" and it mentions you.


I am actually looking for suggestions from you, what can a regular human being do to change minds and seed doubts in Covid cultists. Let me know here or on that article's page.

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This needs to go viral. Boyle has been trying to take down Fauci and crew for decades. He has a plan. States AG to file. Watch this whole video. https://www.bitchute.com/video/hn2sz2dnGfY2/

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