Alex Berenson Declares Victory Too Soon
Vaccine Mandates Are Likely to be Upheld by Supreme Court
Last week, journalist Alex Berenson posted a Substack article titled, “The Light at the End of the Covid.” This optimistic piece no doubt was music to the ears of his many loyal readers. In it Berenson argued, “One way or another, the Pandemia is ending in the United States.”
Respectfully, I disagree. Below I explain why. I also recommend one action we can take right now, and another we should seriously consider, to ensure a true end to this travesty.
In making his case, Berenson points to seven signs that cultural demand for Covid-19 mandates is on its last breath.
First, he notes that the media-fueled obsession over daily Covid-19 death counts has faded, even while the average daily body count in the U.S. is still over 1,000.
This, in my opinion, is not a sign that the political elites, who have driven Covid policy since day one, are ready to move on. Rather, it only shows how desperate CNN and the rest of the Big Pharma-sponsored media are to cover up for the failure of the vaccines to stop or even slow the spread of Sars-CoV-2.
The fact remains that the CDC is still recording an average of well over 1,000 deaths in the U.S. daily from Covid-19. It is likely that many deaths now attributed to Covid-19 are caused by the Covid-19 vaccines themselves as well as the highly toxic and ineffective Remdesivir, which even the World Health Organization finally admitted last month appears to be useless for treating Covid-19 at any stage of the illness.[1] Nonetheless, the CDC will use these wildly inflated Covid death statistics in court to justify the mandates.
Second, Berenson points to the small number – “barely 15 percent” – of 5-to 11-year-olds who have been vaccinated to date, more than one month after the vaccine was approved for this age group. “The parents who were dumb enough to give their kids a quasi-experimental and short-lasting “vaccine” for an illness that even before Omicron was a cold for most have already done so,” he writes.
While it is great news to hear that relatively few parents have succumbed to the CDC’s “children and Covid” propaganda, Berenson may not understand that the inability of the agency to con more parents into vaccinating their elementary school-age children represents a huge problem for Anthony Fauci. The nation’s highest-paid government official and long-time sociopath (See RJK Jr.’s fabulous new book for details on that)[2] must do everything within his power to eliminate this large control group of unvaccinated children, for reasons I explained in my original Substack series, titled “Fauci’s Glaring Cohort Problem and Why He Needs Your Kid Vaxxed.”[3]
As he did with the adults, Fauci’s strategy is first to allow everyone who will vaccinate their children voluntarily the opportunity to do so. He knows that threatening those who are already on board with this experimental gene therapy would be counterproductive. After the low-hanging fruit has been vaccinated, only then will Fauci throw his full support behind draconian mandates.
Accordingly, look for Covid-19 vaccine mandates to be introduced nationally for all school-age children in late summer 2022, by which time the public’s intense focus on the dangers of these vaccines may have dissipated. The CDC will quietly add the Covid-19 vaccine to the recommended mandatory childhood immunization schedule, which already is teeming with dangerous and unnecessary vaccines, when fewer people are paying attention and parents lack sufficient time to mount successful legal challenges. Most school districts will follow the CDC’s recommendations, as they have always done with childhood vaccine program. They may even set up vaccine clinics in the halls of their schools while pledging to keep the unvaccinated out.
Mandates for children will occur independently of the Covid variant du jour, the death count, or any other science-based factors. Vaccinating children against Covid-19 – and numerous other communicable diseases – has never been about science or health.
Third, Berenson notes that no one is even talking anymore about mandating the Covid-19 vaccines for children.
See explanation #2.
Fourth, Berenson points to all the federal district courts that have now ruled “the Biden vaccine mandates to be unconstitutional.”
Just a few days after Berenson published these words, the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled 2 to 1 in favor of permitting OSHA to require that workers at all businesses with more than 100 employees either be vaccinated against Covid-19 or submit to weekly testing.[4]
Fifth, Berenson writes, “What are the odds the Supreme Court follows suit [in ruling the vaccine mandates unconstitutional]…Too likely. Too much action on one side.”
Here is where I disagree with Berenson the most. It is true that all of these vaccine mandate cases are headed to the U.S. Supreme Court. However, once there we have every reason to believe that the Supremes will side with the Biden Administration over the individual rights of the American people.
Just this week, the U.S. Supreme Court rejected a request for injunctive relief brought by plaintiffs in New York who were seeking a religious exemption from that state’s Covid-19 vaccine mandate for healthcare workers. The two “conservative Catholics” on the court, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett, joined with Chief Justice John Roberts and the rest of the liberals in denying relief, despite dissent from the other three judges that included a reference to the New York governor’s open hostility “toward those who hold unpopular religious beliefs. [5]
It was not the first time that conservative judges on the Supreme Court had punted a vaccine mandate case. In August, Barrett denied a request from eight Indiana University students to block the university’s requirement that students receive a COVID vaccine to attend classes. In October Kavanaugh and Barrett joined with Roberts and the other liberal judges in refusing to block Maine's vaccine mandate for health care workers, even though it included no provision for religious exemptions.
In ignoring the right to religious exemptions, Kavanaugh and Barrett can take cover from anti-exemption bishops and none other than Pope Francis himself, who has called Covid-19 vaccination “an act of love.”[6]
The reality is that Kavanaugh and Barrett, who are widely expected to cast the deciding votes in each of these vaccine mandate cases, both seem eager to please the members of the Washington political establishment and their global counterparts. It is unlikely that either judge would dare to consider that the FDA and CDC have been captured and corrupted by the pharmaceutical industry. I personally would be surprised to hear that either Kavanaugh or Barrett consumes alternative Covid-19 media such as Del Bigtree’s The Highwire, Robert Kennedy Jr.’s, The Defender, Dr. Robert Malone’s Twitter feed, or Berenson’s Untold Truths on Substack. I would be truly shocked if either judge has read Kennedy’s stunning expose, The Real Anthony Fauci, which reveals decades of criminal conduct by not only “America’s doctor” but also the nation’s premier health agencies.
Further, while barely one in six elementary school-age children has been vaccinated against Covid-19, what are the odds that elite conformists like Kavanaugh and Barrett, both of whom have children in this age bracket, are not among them? In addition, what are the odds that parents who have volunteered not just themselves but their children for this dangerous experiment would be sympathetic to those who, for whatever reason, are unwilling to do so?
Personally, I don’t like those odds.
Perhaps most tellingly, Kavanaugh and Barrett launched their careers on the U.S. Supreme Court with what can only be described as the ultimate betrayal of the individual rights of the American people, when they sided with Roberts and the other liberal judges in refusing to hear a single challenge to the transparently fraudulent 2020 presidential election. Using “lack of standing” as their excuse, they even refused to consider an amicus brief signed by the attorneys general of 17 states in support of a lawsuit against four other states that had brazenly ignored their own election laws.[7]
Any judge who can argue with a straight face that states whose residents devoted their own considerable time and treasure to help ensure a free and fair national election have no standing to challenge the corrupt actions of other states, which deliberately undermined those efforts, seems capable of rationalizing literally anything, anytime, for any reason.
Berenson’s openly anti-Trump proclivity seems to have blinded him to the indisputable fact that the U.S. Supreme Court chose to wash its hands of the stolen 2020 election. As a result, Berenson may not yet appreciate the level of indifference to individual rights and freedoms of which this court is capable. (Full disclosure: I voted for Donald Trump and supported him as literally the Last Man Standing between the American people and tyranny. However, I was disappointed with most of his political appointments, including his nominations of Kavanaugh and Barrett to the court, and do not wish to see him run again.)
I am not a lawyer and cannot predict what the specific arguments in each of these court cases will be. What I can predict with confidence is this: If the United States Supreme Court wants to support vaccine mandates, it will find a way to do so.
Sixth, Berenson points to the number of companies that have suspended or paused their vaccine mandates as a result of the recent court rulings.
I hear no change of heart from the CEOs of most of these companies. What I hear instead is that they are ready and willing to institute vaccine mandates just as soon as the courts give them the green light to do so and complete immunity from any lawsuits for the vaccine damage that results.
Finally, Berenson writes: “We have already seen exponential decay in willingness to take a third shot, and that will surely continue to the fourth, especially as side effects continue to pile up. Even the dullest MSNBC readers will eventually figure out they are better off taking their chances.”
For the elites who are running our nation’s Covid-19 pandemic response, this has never been about science, health, truth, individual rights, or freedom. It has been about the consolidation of power and wealth. If boosters are seen as a means to further consolidate that power and wealth, then rest assured, the vaccine mandates for shots one and two will lead to mandatory boosters. The relative weakness of the Covid-19 vaccine against Omicron is irrelevant, as is its weakness against future variants. The weakness of the individual variants themselves is likewise irrelevant.
What We Can Do
1) We must recognize that the U.S. Supreme Court is unlikely to come to our rescue. We are going to have to rescue ourselves. The best way to do this is to band together, so that if the vaccine mandates survive Supreme Court challenges, millions of Americans are ready to walk off their jobs, pull their children from public schools, and transfer to communities, jobs and schools with no mandates. Somebody needs to organize this effort nationally – and fast! Calling Steve Kirsch…
2) I am a teacher, not a lawyer, so I may be way off base here. However, it is my impression that the current court cases, which are all designed in one way or another to either halt or limit the scope of the vaccine mandates, have become a red herring. Lawyers are focusing their arguments on the constitutionality of requiring Americans to accept a medical intervention against their will. They are debating the legal merits of this exemption vs. that exemption, this technicality vs. that technicality.
Meanwhile, the specific medical intervention in question already has killed and critically injured tens of thousands. Adverse events from the Covid-19 vaccine have been piling up in the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System and its European counterpart, EudraVigilance, for many months. In addition, we recently learned through a Freedom of Information Act request that more than 1,200 Covid-19 vaccine-related deaths were reported directly to Pfizer in just the first three months of the adult vaccination campaign. Thousands of additional injuries categorized as serious were reported as well.[8] Even though the FDA must have known about this deeply troubling data since at least March 2021, not one iota of it was mentioned during the day-long FDA meeting seven months later that resulted in authorization of the Pfizer vaccine for children.
How many federal laws were violated by the vaccine makers, the FDA, and the CDC in rushing these vaccines to market? How many more laws have been violated to keep them on the market and force them onto an unsuspecting public? Should not the Supreme Court judges, who will decide whether tens of millions of Americans can continue to be terrorized with these dangerous vaccines, be forced to rule on the reams of evidence of scientific misconduct, fraud, and deadly health consequences of the Covid-19 vaccines rather than some esoteric technicality on a par with “standing”?
Instead of injunctions to halt the mandates, lawyers instead should be filing injunctions to halt the entire Covid-19 vaccine program.
Once again, calling Steve Kirsch.
My Christmas wish for 2021 is for Kirsch to join forces with Robert Kennedy Jr.’s Children’s Health Defense Fund and Del Bigtree’s ICAN and then summon the best legal minds in the nation to halt the entire Covid-19 vaccine program.
To those who would argue that this is just a pipe dream, I say that Christmas is a time for miracles. Pray with me…
[1] WHO recommends against the use of remdesivir in COVID-19 patients
[2] The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (Children’s Health Defense): Kennedy Jr., Robert F.: 9781510766808: Books
[3] Fauci's Glaring Cohort Problem - by Darby Shaw (
[4] OSHA Vaccine Mandate Heads to the Supreme Court ⋆ Brownstone Institute
[5] 21A145 Dr. A v. Hochul (12/13/2021) (
[6] As U.S. Bishops Reject Exemptions, Pope Francis Dubs COVID-19 Vaccine ‘Act of Love’ - Word&Way (
[8] FDA’s forced hand drops Pfizer’s Bombshell Safety Document (
I absolutely wish that you were wrong and that Supreme Court would dissolve these mandates.
I am very afraid that you are absolutely right and the Supreme Court will not bring us any magic, will uphold the mandates, and will leave to fight this evil alone. You have listed those reasons very well, naming name by name and bad decision after a bad decision.
Supreme Court is an integral part of our society and it does uphold something that an influential fraction wants, which is not always the majority of the people, but it never sided with the truth against a powerful consensus.
So, yes, I am afraid that it will leave us without much needed support.
At the same time, time and truth are on our side for many reasons: vaccines more and more obvious ineffectiveness, omicron that bypasses them entirely, states that find it politically expedient to resist the federal government, etc.
The most important development of this year is that the "mainstream press" like CNN, is no longer the mainstream and is fringe media, whereas Joe Rogan with his 100 million audience, is the mainstream. The Supreme Court has not caught up with that yet -- but the society will.
I am optimistic no matter what the Supreme Court will decide.
I love your idea of Steve, Del, Kennedy and others being the force that drives the movement to save us from this hell! We have some amazing, smart, passionate people on our side, who value life and liberty. We pray every day that the truth will be revealed and justice served so this never, ever happens again!