I absolutely wish that you were wrong and that Supreme Court would dissolve these mandates.

I am very afraid that you are absolutely right and the Supreme Court will not bring us any magic, will uphold the mandates, and will leave to fight this evil alone. You have listed those reasons very well, naming name by name and bad decision after a bad decision.

Supreme Court is an integral part of our society and it does uphold something that an influential fraction wants, which is not always the majority of the people, but it never sided with the truth against a powerful consensus.

So, yes, I am afraid that it will leave us without much needed support.

At the same time, time and truth are on our side for many reasons: vaccines more and more obvious ineffectiveness, omicron that bypasses them entirely, states that find it politically expedient to resist the federal government, etc.

The most important development of this year is that the "mainstream press" like CNN, is no longer the mainstream and is fringe media, whereas Joe Rogan with his 100 million audience, is the mainstream. The Supreme Court has not caught up with that yet -- but the society will.

I am optimistic no matter what the Supreme Court will decide.

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Thank you, Igor. I hope you are right that there is still reason to be optimistic.

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Even if the Supremes uphold it it will still be a conflict between Federal mandates and dissident states who bar the mandates. The bad guys may get a two shot mandate over the goal line but even then as far as the US is concerned from the standpoint of the Great Reset it may prove to be a Pyrrhic victory.

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So the answer there is to aim the case at the Judges on the Supreme court, to show them how they're going to lose, or their children are going to lose.

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I love your idea of Steve, Del, Kennedy and others being the force that drives the movement to save us from this hell! We have some amazing, smart, passionate people on our side, who value life and liberty. We pray every day that the truth will be revealed and justice served so this never, ever happens again!

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Sobering analysis. We shall see. Great idea for our fearless leaders like Steve K, RFK, Del to join forces.

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I'm going to take an adverse position here to your tack that we must focus on how horrible this vax is. We want the courts to strike down vax mandates *without* concern to how many people it's killing, and only because it's unconstitutional, because we never ever want to be forced to take medications, even if they actually are safe and effective, and even if the diseases they treat or prevent are actually scary.

Fortunately, the elites blew it on that front. The time to try their world-domination plan was with a truly dangerous disease and with a relatively safe drug; it would be much harder to fight in that case. The current situation--benign disease and deadly drug--makes it a lot easier to get the rulings in place that will keep this from happening when they break out their next bioweapon.

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Yes, yes, yes. I should have read Ms. Romana's response before writing my less articulate one above.

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I agree that we should not be having to focus our legal arguments on how dangerous this particular vaccine is. Unfortunately, we have a corrupt (6-3) Supreme Court and a Constitution that really needs to be strengthened on this point (e.g. a Constitutional amendment prohibiting any medical procedure without consent?). My argument is, in lieu of an ethical court and stronger laws against this type of mandate, it would perhaps be better right now to focus on all the laws that were violated in bringing the Covid vaccines to market, and then keeping them on the market, even after reams of data appeared demonstrating how toxic they are.

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I concede your point. Grudgingly. It is not like many of the robsters have read the Constitution and it is obvious that fewer still understand it. Focus on bureaucratic process inanities where their "brilliant legal minds" seem to flourish rather than basic American stuff which leaves them befuddled.

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Spot on, Darby. Why are arguments to the Supreme Court focused on how the mandate will affect business and employee recruiting efforts?! They should be focused on the the vaccine's overwhelming failure to prevent infection, transmission, hospitalization and even death among the vaccinated. The arguments should focus on the devastating toxicity and life-altering, life-ending side effects of an experimental "vaccine" that has been unleashed upon humanity without proper testing, honest reporting of scientific and medical data, and compliance with the long-established laws and safeguards put in place to protect the public from harmful pharmaceutical drugs and medical therapies.

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How about focusing on inalienable rights, the Constitution, Bill of Rights, limited authority granted to the government? All other arguments below those at least grant that a mandate is not the problem. Only that this particular mandate is the problem. A VERY BAD ARGUMENT because it concedes the authority to mandate at all. To argue these small potato tactics is to concede the grander point. Then the only thing to do is learn Father Niemoeller's lament - "First they came for . . . "

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Darby -- this is the most poignant, brilliant analysis I've read about the politics of Covid at the end of 2021. I agree completely that a majority of the supreme court has made quiet clear that they believe vaccine mandates are perfectly constitutional. You may be correct in your analysis of why Alex is confused on this topic - that it may by Alex suffers from TDS.

I will absolutely be praying with you that Steve Kirsch, RFK Jr., and Del all join forces, with the full strength of their massive audiences behind them, and when we all roar together as one, the world will tremble. I can see it. I think you're correct that this scenario is our very best hope.

Let's all pray together but prepare for the worst case scenario. If anyone isn't already prepared for worst case scenarios, now is probably a smart time to do so. It's not just Covid - the world os convulsing with instability. Be ready for anything. Set aside provisions for your family. Pray without ceasing

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Thank you!

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The fact that the Supreme Court has failed to offer an opinion and let stand the active and illegal abuses of the Nuremberg Code is enough to demonstrate they are lawless cowards. Not a single drop of “vaccine” mandated by any American public or private entity is available outside of experimental use authorization.

Not only is the constitution irrelevant to this court, codified law based on prevention of repeating horrible historical events are too.

We’re f..ked.

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Excellent work. A huge amount to unpack here, I will comment further tomorrow. Thank you.

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Sadly, I have had the exact same opinion about the courts in general, and SCOTUS in particular, from the very beginning of this scam. I really pity those who honestly believed that SCOTUS, or any other court, would come to their rescue. And you analysis of the bases of court filings is spot on; when ever will someone litigate the legality of the emergency use authorization or the nefarious conduct of big pharma leading to this plandemic? Likely that will never happen, given the limited scope of court filings to date. One wonders why these filings have thus far been so limited, but my extremely skeptical view of all things related to this tells me there is a concerted effort behind the scenes to make us think there is hope in the courts, only to have those hopes dashed on the shoals of thorough and complete corruption. And it is that corruption, at the hands of TPTB who are ruining our world, that strikes me as the root cause of defeats and disappointments, particularly in the courts. I do not dispute your logic in attributing other motives for the justices we had perhaps hoped would support our rights, but the evil nature and pervasiveness of corruption could well have had a hand in their viewpoints and decisions. Who among us would vote to support the citizens if their livelihoods and, worse, their families were put at risk? It would take a person of strong moral fiber to do so, and recent history has proven that the numbers of Americans with the backbone to stand up to this cartel are disappointingly few.

Thanks for voicing opinions and concerns that I have been harboring for a very long time. There are people who are pushing back on the totalitarian agenda who try to comfort us by saying that "you are not alone." Sadly, truthfully, but for a few dissenting voices, it sure seems like we really are very much alone.

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I hope you are wrong but think you are right. The Supreme Court is a lost cause and in any case, any milquetoast ruling from them in favor of restrictions wouldn’t go nearly far enough and will simply be a minor speedbump that will be easily worked around on the road to global vaccine passports.

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May we all get our Christmas miracle.

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Ninth Amendment: "The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."

Should the Supreme Court fail to uphold the rights retained by the People, they have declared themselves an Enemy of the People, and the People are thereby Free to Enact whichever actions they deem appropriate to Restore their Rights.

Nine Supreme Court justices

330 million American citizens

The word "medical" is not mentioned at all in the constitution, least of all in the Enumerated Rights granted By The People to its federal government under the constitution.

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I think you are right. It's too hard for those in power to let go, so they will continue as long as possible. I think we will see also new 'variant' vaccines included in the boosters to drive booster uptake.

Never underestimate the bureaucrat's ability to move the goalpost.

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I am in shock Alex came out with his conclusion. He may have smoked his first joint in his life last night.

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Or shot up some hopium.

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Comply or die. Imagine . . . in America.

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Excellent and sobering analysis! I think in the end we will need to set up our own parallel structures in our fight against this mass pyschosis.

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