If one starts with the premise that all "important" truth-seeking organizations are completely captured, one has to resign himself to the fact that no criminal activities are going to be exposed or punished by said organizations.

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Darby I must disagree with you here. I read the report and it makes sense to me that the jury began with the low hanging fruit of lockdowns and masks. It makes a very firm case here that science was NOT followed not at all.

The limitations of a state court proceeding are well known but perhaps other states will follow suit. You are right to say we do not need help from the criminals to find evidence against them! We know who the bastards are and we will get at them one way or another.

I look forward to your work on feline rabies! It regards a subject that has come up recently at my house. Advance thanks for it!!!

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Read the original petition:


It says nothing about investigating the lockdowns and mask mandates. It is all about the vaccines. This grand jury isn't merely starting with the low-hanging fruit. They are avoiding the original petition altogether. The lawyers who have been assigned to work with them clearly have decided to guide them away from investigating the vaccines, but that was, in fact, the original mandate. This is a classic bait and switch. It is not at all surprising, however, since DeSantis is very closely tied to Wall Street, and Wall Street cannot allow us to hold any drug companies accountable, ever, for anything.

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Mar 17Edited

I completely agree with Darby: I rate this investigation as an absolute FARCE thus far, based on the report. The crowd-pleasing easy targets such as lockdowns, masks, "there was no real pandemic", etc. are just extremely convenient DISTRACTIONS to cover up the murders perpetrated by Big Pharma and the corrupt medical establishment. Excess deaths have been through the roof from COVID hospital protocols and mRNA vaccines, but we should divert our attention to overblown "lockdowns", maaaaasks, and "the pandemic was fake" instead, like we're in 4th grade?


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I knew from the beginning that this investigation was bogus because all involved have immunity from prosecution under the various acts passed by Congress going back many administrations. The 1986 immunity bill signed by Reagan put the nail in the coffin.

If congress can’t get the truth from Fauci and Walensky, et al then I doubt anyone can. But then republicans gave Fauci a pass for his faulty memory instead of pulling up videos of what he said.

I’m looking forward to your cat rabies post.

Thanks so much for writing about pet vaccines. I didn’t see it when you posted it, but I had been wondering if they were safe for many decades.

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Slow Down! This is going to be long fight and this is not bad news.

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Great to see you writing, Darby! Since you did a lot of writing about kids during COVID, I was wondering if you are following the Fluoride Trial that is currently in session?? The debate is over the neurotoxicity in the developing brain. Children exposed to higher levels of fluoride suffered from lowered IQ.

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DeSantis appointed Ladapo who is kicking the FDA. So I am not sure if your criticism of DeSantis is appropriate. He has done more than ANY OTHER GOVERNOR.

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Like not saying a word about the release of 750,000,000 GMO Mosquitoes in what is a first?

That DeSantis?!

There is ZERO politicians that is ever on the side of the people....ZERO!

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Agree GMO mosquitoes are a disaster. Most politicians are 100% enemies of #WeThePeople. DeSantis, Paxton, Abbott seem to get at least a few things right. We should give credit for the things they got right.

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I agree. Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water. Even casual observation displays Desantis and friends are not great at moving us closer to the NWO world our overlords have in mind. In fact, I would say perhaps he is one of the handful of reasons we do not have vaccine passports in this country… with a free state available, the strong arm of the “law” was not so strong. He acknowledged a large group of Americans being gaslit by virtually everyone else. If he starts to go wobbly then I will start to criticize

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The New World Order is here and has been so for a century plus....do not be so naive.

DeSantis is a Yale/Harvard Grad which is about as New World Order as it gets.

Ron was torturing detainees at Gitmo.

Torture does nothing but breed bad results. You got to be a sicko to do such stuff.

So how did Ron Stop Vaccine Passports?

Just like he stopped 750,000,000 Genetically Modified Mosquitoes....and then in May 2023 all of sudden after 20 years Malaria pops back up in Florida???

But 750,000,000 Mosquitoes released with nary a word from Ron cannot be the cause....eh?

Now if you support Ron you support the release of the Mosquitoes it is that simple.

...but I understand the Strangers that TELL A VISION did not tell the peeps to be concerned with 750,000,000 GMO Mosquitoes so Ron supporters will just ignore this, invent reasons why it should be no concern or ignore it all together.

Now that is gaslight

All Politicians lie...what more needs to be said?

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You misunderstand me. I do not “trust” Desantis. I posit that he has been instrumental in preventing a medical dictatorship by preserving freedom within the state of Florida.

I think if you want to question if things are as they seem you might wonder about Trump and his “operation warp speed”? I find that an interesting puzzle.

I’ve decided to go with my gut and also “common sense” evidence … the fact that Trump is openly loathed by establishment suggests he is in opposition to them. In any case, I will take advances toward freedom from any corner.

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Medical Dictatorship?

That has long been established over a century ago....

If Ron was any good he would rid Florida of it.

...and none of this explains or exonerates Ron from 750,000,000 Genetically Modified Mosquitoes released in Florida, furthermore everyone seem to ignore this about him just like Trumpers who conveniently forget Operation Warp Speed.

There will be no freedom until the practice of Usury is destroyed.

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Zero Credit should be given.


Whether they get it right or wrong in the end it is all Bad Ideas.

"Bad Ideas require enFORCEment Good Ideas do not for mankind will naturally gravitate towards Good Ideas which is why Bad Ideas MUST be enFORCEd"

All politicians belong to and are loyal to a system of enFORCEment, it is a Bad Idea and everything that comes from it is a Bad Idea.

It is time to stop with Bad Ideas.

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No, no! Darby Shaw's on to something again!

Thank God she survived that whole Pelican Brief thing after boning her law school professor and exposing the evil oil company plot to destroy the environment for profit by assassinating Supreme Court justices!

That must've been SO SCARY!


The super amazing thing about DeSantis is how he can be totally in the pocket of Big Pharma, yet also be the only Governor who appointed a Surgeon General like Joseph Ladapo who pretends to warn people about the dangers of covid vaccines!

DeSantis must be the ultimate evil, and Ladapo the ultimate deep cover operative!

Ladapo obviously joined America's Frontline Doctors to establish fake skeptic credibility!

I'm so glad she can start writing again!

It would make a great Hollywood movie! And the best thing is, it's not even fiction!

How about:

Pelican II - Boxers or Briefs?

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Ladapo clearly is acting independently of DeSantis at this point. I'm sure all the Wall Street allies of DeSantis would love for DeSantis to fire him. Obviously he can't, or he would.

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Funny how Jeff Childers, a Florida attorney and substack author, , has a totally different take on the grand jury investigation. But what the heck would he know? https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/free-flying-saturday-february-3-2024?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=463409&post_id=141338562&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=rsed6&utm_medium=email

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"clearly" lol.

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Sorry, Ned, Jeff don't have the cred

Did Jeff Childers get naked with Sam Shepard? No.

Did Big Oil try to kill Jeff? No.

Did Jeff save the Pelicans? No.

Jeff don't have the dramatis gravitae of a Darby Shaw

Clearly he's a big pharma/big oil/big government psyop


Did the FBI help Jeff bring down a president? N... Hmmmm.

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