Jan 2, 2022Liked by Darby Shaw

Disability and Life Insurance Claims are a promising lead to follow. If other insurers confirm the uptick, there's your smoking gun. Thanks, Darby. Promising lead!

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Jan 2, 2022Liked by Darby Shaw

Thank you, Darby! Sharing far and wide!

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Wow! Hard to pull one over on the insurance industry.

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Jan 2, 2022Liked by Darby Shaw

Yes, a lot will be blamed on the lockdowns-- that and "long covid."

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Thanks, Darby.

I've virated your link, including to my dear unrequited pen pal the NSW Australia Health Minister.

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Sorry i gotta rant some....Now with the airline pilots sueing Brandon....I am wondering if the insurance industry is going to chime in and make it official, that millions, or is it billions, of people will now be uninsurable in general. Think pretty much everyone who needs it....drivers, bondsmen, pilots...doctors...construction workers...anyone operating machinery...athletes...all uninsurable. As for myself, I don't have any life insurance policies, but if I did want to perhaps I could as an unvaccinated. Maybe the vaccinated will just lie, and say they are unvaxxed, if they need to be insured. Betcha. I mean, does the gov know the name of every vaccinated person, (or think they do?) Seems so. From what I gather, we are more valuable to the WEF/UN players when they can market our illnesses/deaths as a business, so that is like....their endgame. WEF/UN certainly wont want to pay out pensions and they are daily off the hook on that as we perish.

Still dont even have my will in order, guess its high time...heard about mushroom coffins, that would be cool....i really dont want to get shot up with plastic when I die, want that 24hour style burial....at least I can melt back into the ground, if I am lucky....mushroom coffins....yeah.

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Jan 2, 2022·edited Jan 2, 2022

And to think that these folks provide worse rates for fans of Joe Camel and the Marlboro Man. I am sure the government will dump lots of our money into stabilizing this self inflicted catastrophe.

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Thank you for this post. Hospitals gain money from disease, life/ disability insurance companies lose money. So they could be an important source of information about people who are vaccinated. If most of this uptick in death and disability is due to the vaccine, they are going to need to adjust their risk models and hopefully speak out about it.

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Thank you for reporting. This is heart-breaking if this continues to escalate.

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Wonder if they’ll tick up when vax induced dna repair impairment really kicks in

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All cause mortality: proof the vaxes are "working"

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Jan 4, 2022·edited Jan 4, 2022

Sorry, VAERS numbers as is... are very very Low. VAERS is self reported and not verified in anyway. You could go there and post 10,000 adverse events if you wanted to.

It's a shame how "sick" America is generally in terms of mental and physical health.

The majority of Asian countries with "draconian" covid policies had their life expectancy go UP not down. COVID killed so few people most go unmasked and is largely free to do whatever they want, especially in China.

Seems like Asian countries generally don't have the same social and chemical abuse problems Americans have. Its an eclectic mix of countries, rich and poor, large and small, etc etc.... Alas

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Thought about was this type detection of all cause deaths by a different lens.

What about cell phone companies:

How about detecting deaths via inactivated cell phone numbers? Couldn't that angle be used to measure increase in deaths?

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