Now a parent is speaking about how happy she is that the vaccine will soon be available for her 8-year-old daughter. This parent wants her child vaccinated, not to protect the child, whom she acknowledges is at low risk from this virus, but to protect others. She obviously hasn't heard that the vaccine doesn't stop infection or transmission. She also must have put her fingers in her ears while the parent directly before her was describing the horrors of vaccine injury.

She must watch CNN.

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What kind of parent would put their own child at risk to "protect others", particularly when the only people that need "protection" already have had a completely safe and effective vaccine available to them since the beginning of the year? ;)

Apparently the protected need to be protected from the unprotected by forcing the

unprotected to use protection that doesn't protect the protected...?

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Münchausen syndrome by proxy is the real pandemic

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Next up is Dr. Jessica Rose, viral immunologist. Says, there is no emergency and this virus is exceedingly treatable. Now discussing myocarditis. Absolute numbers of myocardititis: 19 times higher among vaccinated in the 12-15 age group. Published paper has been censored by medical journal because it does not support the "safe and effective" CDC and FDA narrative.

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Now the Pfizer rep is showing a slide that estimates its vaccine will prevent one death per one million children vaccinated, while at the same time causing over 100 cases of myocarditis.

If this is the best-case scenario, I shudder to think what their worst-case scenario looks like.

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This statement alone just shows how absolutely ridiculous this is.

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Okay, I've heard enough. It's clear which way this is going to go.

A sad day for America's children. Please pray for all of them.

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Now a doctor is saying that some of the data presented today suggests this vaccine will result in a higher rate of hospitalization from myocarditis in this age group than from the virus.

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The Pfizer rep is suggesting that this would be just fine, as long as kids are allowed to go back to school, etc. "Societal benefits"

It's all for the greater good, don't you know.

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Now the moderator is saying that the benefits of the vaccine are probably underestimated because the virus is likely to keep spreading, as it has done thus far, even in the face of mass vaccination. What he doesn't mention is that this is because THE VACCINE IS NOT WORKING.

Where is the logic with these people?

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Logic? How much revenue did Pfizer get from this vaccine in the second quarter alone? Oh, yeah, $7.8 Billion dollars.

“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”

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Next up is an FDA cheerleader. She is comparing flu in children to Covid in children, suggesting the risk is similar when in fact there is no comparison. Flu is much deadlier than Covid for children. That has been well-known for many months now.

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Another doctor now saying that this vaccine is not necessary and the trial is way too small to detect safety concerns.

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He is pointing out that the virus poses little threat to healthy children, and Pfizer's clinical trial consisted almost entirely of healthy children. Recommending this vaccine for children with comorbidities, in whom the vaccine was not tested, is unethical. Therefore, there is no group of children to whom it would be ethical to give this vaccine based on the results of this clinical trial.

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He is also pointing out that 3 percent of the vaccinated dropped out and there is no explanation provided as to why. This number is too high relative to the already small sample size from which they started.

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Now he is talking about the many other serious side effects in teens who have received this vaccine. Why the focus exclusively on heart inflammation?

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Dr. Profit is up next. There is only one way that Dr. Profit could vote. He always votes for the profit -- I mean the vaccines.

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"We're never going to learn how safe this vaccine is unless we start using it."

Yep, that's what panelist Dr. Eric Rubin just said. Are they going to tell parents this? Will the CDC and Fauci go on CNN tonight and say to parents, "We need you to let us vaccinate your kids so that we can see how safe the vaccine is?"

No, of course not. They will go on TV after this meeting and say, "The FDA found this vaccine to be very safe and effective for your children."

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Next up is another Phd: "Your decision is being rushed..." No evidence that the benefits outweigh the risk. Wife was severely injured by the Covid vaccine. She was a participant in a clinical trial. Since the trial required two doses, and she couldn't take the second dose, she was dropped from the trial and her access to the study app was deleted. Her severe adverse reaction is not described in the clinical trial report. He says there are many others like her, who suffered severe neurological reactions during the trial and were dropped; they're adverse reactions were swept under the rug. He says this happened with the clinical trial of teenagers as well. He says they are all being dutifully ignored by the FDA, the CDC and the vaccine makers.

"I do not wish this nightmare on my worst enemy, let alone a child."

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Another parent, who works with a drug safety group, now expressing her dismay that the decision to approve this dangerous vaccine apparently has already been made. She wants parents to have choice, at the very least. But, as she notes, this EUA will almost certainly result in mandates.

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Now the FDA scientist is talking about post-marketing studies. Once again, the agency only seems interested in heart inflammation. There are many other serious side effects from these vaccines. They are being ignored.

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The trial did not evaluate efficacy against transmission. No data on transmission.

But it's for the greater good, I tell you.

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Now the Pfizer rep is acknowledging that their clinical trial did not include any children with immuno-deficiencies.

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What is shocking to me is that this panel just heard one person after another say that they or their family member was injured by the vaccine; that the types of injuries they have experienced (primarily neurological) were not reported from the clinical trials; that some of them actually participating in one of the trials, suffered a severe injury, and watched the vaccine makers sweep their injury under the rug. Not one of these panelists has acknowledged any of those comments. Not one has followed up to ask the Pfizer rep whether they have a habit of dropping people from their trials as soon as they suffer an adverse reaction. These is an obvious question.

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Exactly- it's almost as if they already had a predetermined outcome. It does not matter anymore what injuries are or what may happen to these perfectly healthy children. I also was surprised to hear about some parents still not allowing their children to go anywhere inside such as restaurants - these poor children!

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49 children in the treatment arm were dropped without follow up. No explanation given.

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Thank you for catching that. All 49 of those children need to be found, and their health evaluated.

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This introduces an error bar into the data that swamps any treatment impact.

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