By all accounts, the numbers are massive. Millions of Americans who rolled up their sleeves for Dose One of a Pfizer or Moderna Covid-19 vaccine have failed to get their second dose. What’s Going On?
My wife who went through chemo prior to Covid got both doses of the Pfizer. I’ve never seen her so sick— basically with flu symptoms and a severe headache and bed ridden for 3 days. She is not getting the booster! And I have not gotten the shot thus treated like an outcast in my circle. Vicious...
I'm sorry for what you and your wife have gone through. I hope she enjoys a full recovery. And as for your being an outcast due to vaccine refusal, join the club!! We are actually a rather large group. The government just likes to pretend otherwise.
A few years ago, I had an appointment at a local hospital with a medical specialist. After an hour of waiting I told the receptionist that I live only a few minutes away, and will come back whenever they were ready for me.
The problem was, I was told, that their entire staff had gotten the flu shot the day before and most of the staff were too sick to come to work that day.
This, for the annual flu shot. Criminally negligent, that the medical establishment fails to follow up on stuff like this.
I think the flu shot is very problematic. Hopefully that is going to get looked at a lot more closely as well, now that we've seen how the sausage was made with the Covid vaccine.
Exactly! I personally know someone with very bad case of GB and a few others with insulin-dependent diabetes (early 20s) after flu shots. That never happened before the big push on flu shots. Believe it was called “juvenile onset diabetes”, before it started being triggered by these ridiculous shots.
agree, and Moderna has planned for years to get multi strains of FLU in a multivalent vax w/RSV and SARS strains, the investors are salivating at the plans to roll out mRNA FLU vax.
As former health care professional and recovered from first strain, (as well as vaccine injury informed long before Covid), I refused all of the clot shots. Both my adult daughters are double vaxxed (one mandated by medical school, the other because she no longer listens to Dr Mom). Both were quite ill after 2nd jab and one just recovered from Omicron.
My family (other than my husband) wouldn't listen to me, either. That is one of the primary frustrations that drove me to start my own Substack page. I felt I needed an outlet, and I hoped that even if my family wouldn't listen, perhaps I could persuade someone else.
I took early retirement from medical field as well, I have lost relationships with family (many), I am born / raised in California (live in north San Diego county now) and myself, teen kids and hubby are all naturally immune.
The continuing mandates and return of "masks in all indoor locations" and facing two new bills introduced by state senators (one will allow 12+ to get vaxxed without parent consent) the other will put the jab on the childhood vax schedule (Dr. Robert Pan) authored that bill (Newsom wants k-12 public/private schools vax mandate to attend) is making my husband wobbly on the vax, which for me is a hard red line.
The taking away of our ability to send our kids to school and my talk about potentially having to leave the state has caused this new resistance by my husband.
For nearly two years I have been obsessed with this medical tyranny and family has had to hear it just about daily. I am so thankful there are other moms/wives that can understand.
Oh, and my 31 year old son called me few days ago (he is naturally immune), told me about a new job he accepted. It is a health care company, he is computer guy, so no contact w/patients... I asked about vax (this is in Arizona) and he said "well if I have to take it, to get the job, then I probably will. I was crushed, and made him promise to read and watch (video) of all the reasons why he should not. Most people are not exposed to information that we discuss, they just have no idea how dangerous this mRNA/DNA vax technology is. The whole dam thing has become surreal and totally heartbreaking.
I have an 11-year-old niece in San Diego who is on the spectrum. It horrifies me that the state not only is trying to add the Covid vax to the mandatory schedule for students but is also trying to authorize children 12 and up to get vaxxed without parental consent. It really has become a nightmare scenario. I am quietly praying that the family will get my niece out of California. Dr. Pan is a monster. He has already caused so much damage.
I'm so sorry for what you're going through there. I hope your son in AZ will take your advice at least have a listen to the other side on this issue.
Well, it's cause they don't call them what they actually are: "transfections". Instead these products get thrown under the umbrella of "vaccines" which have connotations and meanings most people are familiar with, but they are not even close to the same thing. I live in the same area as you and while I don't have kids, I know folks who do and the push to vax kids is unreal given their risk profile for covid.
No booster for me. After shot 2, I experienced a decline in my running ability - I lost about 20 seconds per mile for a 10K pace, and pulled two different muscles right in the middle of races - stuff that has never happened before. I can't say for sure it was the vaccine, but nothing else changed - same weight, same training - the decline in running ability happened right after shot 2. Whether it's vaccine related or not, no more shots for me.
I'm sorry to hear about your decline in running ability. Hopefully it is temporary, regardless of the cause. You seem to be in the majority in saying no to the booster.
this is great and I'd like to share it with others if that is ok. fyi, Please help...6 month old babies to 4 year olds... Pfizer has applied for a EUA to the FDA for babies, more info here... thank you.
Thank you, CeliaSue. Please do share with others. I will appreciate it. I'm going to do a post shortly, about Pfizer going have to the babies next, and asking everyone to help stop them.
I took both shots mainly to appease my husband. I didn’t have any side effects that I could tell. However, I’m pretty sure I had COVID early on before anyone really knew about it. I am middle aged and other than a crappy back, am rather healthy. My sister gave it to me after she went on a shopping spree and got sick. She has Lupus and has been on hydroxychloroquine for years. I think that saved her. I think antibodies I got from that episode has protected me from being sick since then. But with all the in depth research that has been done (by people like Darby Shaw) and the truth that has come to light lately concerning the lies the government has been telling us (Dr. Fauci), I AM DONE WITH COVID!
Very interesting question. I don't know the answer. I imagine that vaccine mandates for some sectors kicked in and forced the issue for a lot of people who otherwise would not have gotten the second dose. But I don't honestly know.
I'm afraid I can't help with this. I only know people who've had zero, and people who've had two or more. Nobody I know got the first dose of a two-dose series and didn't take the second.
However a substantial portion of the people I know who took both shots came down with various health issues in the following weeks and months. Of course the medical cartel claims they're just coincidences and were definitely not caused by the shots. Uh-huh.
Oh, and one person I know (mid 60s) had no issues until he took a booster in December. Now he has problems with rapid heartbeat and shortness of breath that he never had before. Of course this must be just another coincidence, right?
Everything you see or read is an orchestrated narrative that's been crafted to sell a story for you to believe. Read that again, because that's the big lie they don't want you to understand.
You were not alerted to a "pandemic-level pathogenic disease causing agent" by your own senses, observations or experience. You were conditioned by propaganda to believe in a pandemic-level pathogenic disease causing agent by the media, the pharmaceutical industry, and government.
99% of people falsely certified as having 'died from covid' actually died from their preexisting conditions being exacerbated by mass medical malpractice and 'public health' despotism, the other 1% simply died of old age.
From the CDC itself 7/16/21: "Of the 540,667 hospitalized coronavirus patients included in the study, 80,174 died during the observation period (March 2020 to March 2021).
A whopping 99.1% of the patients who died had at least one pre-existing condition, with just 740 having no prior condition on record.
Most patients who died from COVID had multiple pre-existing conditions, with just 2.6% suffering from only one condition, compared to 32.3% who had two to five preexisting conditions, 39.1% who had six to ten, and 25.1% who have more than ten preexisting conditions."
Translation: No one has 'died from covid' as "covid" is nothing more than a fraudulent PCR result plus a nebulous clinical re-branding of cold, flu and many other disease conditions.
Before the vaccines were available, I had been listening to a podcast where they discussed early treatments. Once I heard there were early treatments available that were not being acknowledged by the CDC/NIH, I became naturally suspicious. If they are lying about this then what else could they be lying about? I had a bad feeling that if I were to take the jab, that I would have a stroke. (This is before everything came out with J & J). My husband ran out to get his shot when available but I kept making excuses. When they blatantly denied natural immunity, and then later vaccine reactions, I never wavered in my decision.
I am a Canadian citizen who has lived and worked in the US for the past 30 years. My entire family still lives in Canada, including my 2 elderly parents who are in their eighties, and I normally visit them once or twice a year. I was extremely hesitant about getting the vaccine, but reluctantly decided to do it, only so I could travel to Canada to visit my family. I took one dose of Pfizer in April 2021. I had rapid heart rate and dizziness immediately after the injection and was evaluated by paramedics at the mass vaccination clinic. Two days later, I developed left-sided facial paralysis, numbness, muscles spasms and difficulty chewing. It lasted for 3-4 months. I will not get a second dose now, as I am afraid the side effects will be worse the second time. This has caused a lot of friction with my Canadian family members who have all drunk the koolaid and have been vaxxed and boosted. I have not seen my family in over two years now. Praying for the Canadian truckers to make a difference and that Canada will drop the vaccination mandate for visiting the country someday soon.
I've started to think that single dosers are the smartest group. As I understand it, one dose gives you the T/B cell longer term immunity against severe disease, but the "booster" even the second dose is there to raise antibody levels and fight off infection. But over the course of time it seems obvious that vaccination is not going to be able to ward off infection, but efficacy against severe disease seems to be holding up. And each subsequent dose seems increasingly risky in terms of severe side effects. So, from a health odds standpoint, one dose seems to offer high rewards with relatively low risks.
I would've been a one doser, but my logic at the time was that having gone through the side effects of the first dose, the idea that I'd still be excluded from the pleasures of being "fully vaccinated" didn't sit well. But absent all of that, I would've stayed with dose one only. And no, not getting a booster.
There has never been a product of any kind so filled with historical misinformation, purposeful deception and outright fraud.
The belief that injecting synthetic chemicals made by habitually criminal companies who profit from perpetual disease somehow produces health is not only ridiculous and unproven— it is a foundational teaching of a dangerous religious cult that western medicine has become.
From their inception to today's mRNA monstrosities vaccines have done nothing but cause massive and systemic harm to the human biological system.
Furthermore the biggest fraud in history might be the medical industrial complex itself.
For the past 100 years and more they've been claiming credit for things that builders, sewerage workers, water treatment plants, gutter designers, roofers, fridge inventors, electricians etc have created.
Myocarditis (and Pericarditis) are not the only side effects caused by these particular shots, and even older people have been dying from heart conditions that suddenly appeared post-injection. Seniors and those with underlying health conditions are at particular risk from ADE, the destruction of their already weak immune systems.
There has been a startling rise in aggressive cancers, for example, in the wake of these shots.
To suggest that these shots can be beneficial in any way to anyone is wrong and misleading. They are dangerous for all people.
I plan to quote you … “ The belief that injecting synthetic chemicals made by habitually criminal companies who profit from perpetual disease somehow produces health is not only ridiculous and unproven— it is a foundational teaching of a dangerous religious cult that western medicine has become.” … I am a shameless plagiarist these days but if I cite, it scares the sheep from even reading (“SUBSTACK?? Gasp! Whatever is that poison???) so, as a minor warrior in my own right, I steal and steal and steal but, Allen, know I may appreciate eloquent words 🙏
I actually know 2 people who had all 3 shots, got COVID and died in the same hospital. Not sure these vaxes induce any long term immunity. I follow Steve Kirsch, Alex Berenson, Dr. Robert Malone, etc……they analyze the efficacy and all shots seems to wane pretty quickly…..quickest for the 3rd shot. I have also read that a vaccine for coronaviruses (and probably many other upper respiratory viruses) will never be successful if the route of delivery is not changed, Injection stimulates circulatory and not secretory antibodies and therefore the immunity generated is not presented at the route of infection. Only successful vaccines are two veterinary ones and they are delivered mucosally. Anyone else read this information?
They died from their immune systems being vaporized by toxic injections, not 'covid', and they were (mis)labelled 'covid' by PCR misuse via an incentivized and thoroughly corrupt hospital system.
People need to stop saying these are 'covid deaths'- they aren't.
Thanks for the great article!
My wife who went through chemo prior to Covid got both doses of the Pfizer. I’ve never seen her so sick— basically with flu symptoms and a severe headache and bed ridden for 3 days. She is not getting the booster! And I have not gotten the shot thus treated like an outcast in my circle. Vicious...
I'm sorry for what you and your wife have gone through. I hope she enjoys a full recovery. And as for your being an outcast due to vaccine refusal, join the club!! We are actually a rather large group. The government just likes to pretend otherwise.
Thank you!
A few years ago, I had an appointment at a local hospital with a medical specialist. After an hour of waiting I told the receptionist that I live only a few minutes away, and will come back whenever they were ready for me.
The problem was, I was told, that their entire staff had gotten the flu shot the day before and most of the staff were too sick to come to work that day.
This, for the annual flu shot. Criminally negligent, that the medical establishment fails to follow up on stuff like this.
I think the flu shot is very problematic. Hopefully that is going to get looked at a lot more closely as well, now that we've seen how the sausage was made with the Covid vaccine.
Exactly! I personally know someone with very bad case of GB and a few others with insulin-dependent diabetes (early 20s) after flu shots. That never happened before the big push on flu shots. Believe it was called “juvenile onset diabetes”, before it started being triggered by these ridiculous shots.
agree, and Moderna has planned for years to get multi strains of FLU in a multivalent vax w/RSV and SARS strains, the investors are salivating at the plans to roll out mRNA FLU vax.
As former health care professional and recovered from first strain, (as well as vaccine injury informed long before Covid), I refused all of the clot shots. Both my adult daughters are double vaxxed (one mandated by medical school, the other because she no longer listens to Dr Mom). Both were quite ill after 2nd jab and one just recovered from Omicron.
My family (other than my husband) wouldn't listen to me, either. That is one of the primary frustrations that drove me to start my own Substack page. I felt I needed an outlet, and I hoped that even if my family wouldn't listen, perhaps I could persuade someone else.
I took early retirement from medical field as well, I have lost relationships with family (many), I am born / raised in California (live in north San Diego county now) and myself, teen kids and hubby are all naturally immune.
The continuing mandates and return of "masks in all indoor locations" and facing two new bills introduced by state senators (one will allow 12+ to get vaxxed without parent consent) the other will put the jab on the childhood vax schedule (Dr. Robert Pan) authored that bill (Newsom wants k-12 public/private schools vax mandate to attend) is making my husband wobbly on the vax, which for me is a hard red line.
The taking away of our ability to send our kids to school and my talk about potentially having to leave the state has caused this new resistance by my husband.
For nearly two years I have been obsessed with this medical tyranny and family has had to hear it just about daily. I am so thankful there are other moms/wives that can understand.
Oh, and my 31 year old son called me few days ago (he is naturally immune), told me about a new job he accepted. It is a health care company, he is computer guy, so no contact w/patients... I asked about vax (this is in Arizona) and he said "well if I have to take it, to get the job, then I probably will. I was crushed, and made him promise to read and watch (video) of all the reasons why he should not. Most people are not exposed to information that we discuss, they just have no idea how dangerous this mRNA/DNA vax technology is. The whole dam thing has become surreal and totally heartbreaking.
I have an 11-year-old niece in San Diego who is on the spectrum. It horrifies me that the state not only is trying to add the Covid vax to the mandatory schedule for students but is also trying to authorize children 12 and up to get vaxxed without parental consent. It really has become a nightmare scenario. I am quietly praying that the family will get my niece out of California. Dr. Pan is a monster. He has already caused so much damage.
I'm so sorry for what you're going through there. I hope your son in AZ will take your advice at least have a listen to the other side on this issue.
Have you considered homeschooling? It offers so much diversity and opportunities while at the same time being incredibly efficient w.r.t academic learning. See
Well, it's cause they don't call them what they actually are: "transfections". Instead these products get thrown under the umbrella of "vaccines" which have connotations and meanings most people are familiar with, but they are not even close to the same thing. I live in the same area as you and while I don't have kids, I know folks who do and the push to vax kids is unreal given their risk profile for covid.
I know, right?
Right there with you, and so appreciate all your hard work on this. God bless you, Darby Shaw!
No booster for me. After shot 2, I experienced a decline in my running ability - I lost about 20 seconds per mile for a 10K pace, and pulled two different muscles right in the middle of races - stuff that has never happened before. I can't say for sure it was the vaccine, but nothing else changed - same weight, same training - the decline in running ability happened right after shot 2. Whether it's vaccine related or not, no more shots for me.
I'm sorry to hear about your decline in running ability. Hopefully it is temporary, regardless of the cause. You seem to be in the majority in saying no to the booster.
Even worse with the booster!
this is great and I'd like to share it with others if that is ok. fyi, Please help...6 month old babies to 4 year olds... Pfizer has applied for a EUA to the FDA for babies, more info here... thank you.
Kids Lives At Stake
Thank you, CeliaSue. Please do share with others. I will appreciate it. I'm going to do a post shortly, about Pfizer going have to the babies next, and asking everyone to help stop them.
thank you, thank you, thank you !!!
Just in case ya missed it, Malone came out with this yesterday, the focus is the children.
thank you I have not read it yet but will
I took both shots mainly to appease my husband. I didn’t have any side effects that I could tell. However, I’m pretty sure I had COVID early on before anyone really knew about it. I am middle aged and other than a crappy back, am rather healthy. My sister gave it to me after she went on a shopping spree and got sick. She has Lupus and has been on hydroxychloroquine for years. I think that saved her. I think antibodies I got from that episode has protected me from being sick since then. But with all the in depth research that has been done (by people like Darby Shaw) and the truth that has come to light lately concerning the lies the government has been telling us (Dr. Fauci), I AM DONE WITH COVID!
Darby to you see this post by Dr. Colleen? She compiled data, its a good post.
Excellent synopsis. Thanks for sharing!
Hawaii also had a huge gap between single and double vaccinated. Recently the gap shrunk a lot. Why?
Very interesting question. I don't know the answer. I imagine that vaccine mandates for some sectors kicked in and forced the issue for a lot of people who otherwise would not have gotten the second dose. But I don't honestly know.
I believe that is exactly why, forced in order to comply with mandates, to keep or get new job for instance.
I'm afraid I can't help with this. I only know people who've had zero, and people who've had two or more. Nobody I know got the first dose of a two-dose series and didn't take the second.
However a substantial portion of the people I know who took both shots came down with various health issues in the following weeks and months. Of course the medical cartel claims they're just coincidences and were definitely not caused by the shots. Uh-huh.
Oh, and one person I know (mid 60s) had no issues until he took a booster in December. Now he has problems with rapid heartbeat and shortness of breath that he never had before. Of course this must be just another coincidence, right?
One of my brothers, the healthiest of all three, now got heartproblems after the booster.
So sorry to hear this. I think at this point we are all worried for our family and friends who took the vax.
So very sad, so sorry ... I have been trying to share this around, to prevent more tragedies...
Thank you for this article!
"If the CDC numbers are to be believed...."
If the sun sets in the East...
It's all lies from top to bottom.
Everything you see or read is an orchestrated narrative that's been crafted to sell a story for you to believe. Read that again, because that's the big lie they don't want you to understand.
You were not alerted to a "pandemic-level pathogenic disease causing agent" by your own senses, observations or experience. You were conditioned by propaganda to believe in a pandemic-level pathogenic disease causing agent by the media, the pharmaceutical industry, and government.
99% of people falsely certified as having 'died from covid' actually died from their preexisting conditions being exacerbated by mass medical malpractice and 'public health' despotism, the other 1% simply died of old age.
From the CDC itself 7/16/21: "Of the 540,667 hospitalized coronavirus patients included in the study, 80,174 died during the observation period (March 2020 to March 2021).
A whopping 99.1% of the patients who died had at least one pre-existing condition, with just 740 having no prior condition on record.
Most patients who died from COVID had multiple pre-existing conditions, with just 2.6% suffering from only one condition, compared to 32.3% who had two to five preexisting conditions, 39.1% who had six to ten, and 25.1% who have more than ten preexisting conditions."
Translation: No one has 'died from covid' as "covid" is nothing more than a fraudulent PCR result plus a nebulous clinical re-branding of cold, flu and many other disease conditions.
Yeah, I really doubt it was a virus. Even the flu was scammed by combining it with pneumonia in order to promote flu shots. Lol
Before the vaccines were available, I had been listening to a podcast where they discussed early treatments. Once I heard there were early treatments available that were not being acknowledged by the CDC/NIH, I became naturally suspicious. If they are lying about this then what else could they be lying about? I had a bad feeling that if I were to take the jab, that I would have a stroke. (This is before everything came out with J & J). My husband ran out to get his shot when available but I kept making excuses. When they blatantly denied natural immunity, and then later vaccine reactions, I never wavered in my decision.
I am a Canadian citizen who has lived and worked in the US for the past 30 years. My entire family still lives in Canada, including my 2 elderly parents who are in their eighties, and I normally visit them once or twice a year. I was extremely hesitant about getting the vaccine, but reluctantly decided to do it, only so I could travel to Canada to visit my family. I took one dose of Pfizer in April 2021. I had rapid heart rate and dizziness immediately after the injection and was evaluated by paramedics at the mass vaccination clinic. Two days later, I developed left-sided facial paralysis, numbness, muscles spasms and difficulty chewing. It lasted for 3-4 months. I will not get a second dose now, as I am afraid the side effects will be worse the second time. This has caused a lot of friction with my Canadian family members who have all drunk the koolaid and have been vaxxed and boosted. I have not seen my family in over two years now. Praying for the Canadian truckers to make a difference and that Canada will drop the vaccination mandate for visiting the country someday soon.
Sorry to hear your family members aren't more concerned for your health and reaction to the jab. The truckers are awesome!
Hi Darby, I just saw this in my inbox CHD - useful list of people to contact to help stop this push for kids:
Thank you!
I've started to think that single dosers are the smartest group. As I understand it, one dose gives you the T/B cell longer term immunity against severe disease, but the "booster" even the second dose is there to raise antibody levels and fight off infection. But over the course of time it seems obvious that vaccination is not going to be able to ward off infection, but efficacy against severe disease seems to be holding up. And each subsequent dose seems increasingly risky in terms of severe side effects. So, from a health odds standpoint, one dose seems to offer high rewards with relatively low risks.
I would've been a one doser, but my logic at the time was that having gone through the side effects of the first dose, the idea that I'd still be excluded from the pleasures of being "fully vaccinated" didn't sit well. But absent all of that, I would've stayed with dose one only. And no, not getting a booster.
'Non-dosers' are the smartest group.
Vaccines are barbaric- all of them.
There has never been a product of any kind so filled with historical misinformation, purposeful deception and outright fraud.
The belief that injecting synthetic chemicals made by habitually criminal companies who profit from perpetual disease somehow produces health is not only ridiculous and unproven— it is a foundational teaching of a dangerous religious cult that western medicine has become.
From their inception to today's mRNA monstrosities vaccines have done nothing but cause massive and systemic harm to the human biological system.
Furthermore the biggest fraud in history might be the medical industrial complex itself.
For the past 100 years and more they've been claiming credit for things that builders, sewerage workers, water treatment plants, gutter designers, roofers, fridge inventors, electricians etc have created.
Myocarditis (and Pericarditis) are not the only side effects caused by these particular shots, and even older people have been dying from heart conditions that suddenly appeared post-injection. Seniors and those with underlying health conditions are at particular risk from ADE, the destruction of their already weak immune systems.
There has been a startling rise in aggressive cancers, for example, in the wake of these shots.
To suggest that these shots can be beneficial in any way to anyone is wrong and misleading. They are dangerous for all people.
Dr. Colleen agrees....
I plan to quote you … “ The belief that injecting synthetic chemicals made by habitually criminal companies who profit from perpetual disease somehow produces health is not only ridiculous and unproven— it is a foundational teaching of a dangerous religious cult that western medicine has become.” … I am a shameless plagiarist these days but if I cite, it scares the sheep from even reading (“SUBSTACK?? Gasp! Whatever is that poison???) so, as a minor warrior in my own right, I steal and steal and steal but, Allen, know I may appreciate eloquent words 🙏
Excellent. You should write, sir. You are a wordsmith.
I actually know 2 people who had all 3 shots, got COVID and died in the same hospital. Not sure these vaxes induce any long term immunity. I follow Steve Kirsch, Alex Berenson, Dr. Robert Malone, etc……they analyze the efficacy and all shots seems to wane pretty quickly…..quickest for the 3rd shot. I have also read that a vaccine for coronaviruses (and probably many other upper respiratory viruses) will never be successful if the route of delivery is not changed, Injection stimulates circulatory and not secretory antibodies and therefore the immunity generated is not presented at the route of infection. Only successful vaccines are two veterinary ones and they are delivered mucosally. Anyone else read this information?
They died from their immune systems being vaporized by toxic injections, not 'covid', and they were (mis)labelled 'covid' by PCR misuse via an incentivized and thoroughly corrupt hospital system.
People need to stop saying these are 'covid deaths'- they aren't.
Here is some important data, proof about vaccines... Colleen is a licensed doctor (NMD)