Most Parents Seem to Side with Desantis
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis says healthy kids should not get the Covid-19 vaccine. More than 80% of parents of kids under five now say they have no plans to vaccinate their children right away.
As predicted, last week the FDA and CDC rubber-stamped the Biden Administration’s plan to begin vaccinating children under five with the Covid-19 vaccines.
Most states pre-ordered the kiddie version of the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines, knowing full well that our federal health agencies would not give any serious consideration to the mountains of evidence showing the vaccines to be not just deadly but outdated and ineffective.
Florida is the only exception. Governor Ron DeSantis and his team have advised parents that no healthy child of any age should receive the Covid-19 vaccine because any claimed benefits to vaccinating these children do not outweigh the risks.1 The state has not ordered any doses of the Covid-19 vaccines for children under five and will not be offering the new injections at any public health clinics. However, pediatricians who wish to order the deadly mRNA for their patients are free to do so. The governor said he has no authority to stop doctors from ordering the vaccine on their own and injecting kids with it.
“We recommend against it,” DeSantis stated at a recent press conference. “We’re not going to have any programs where we’re trying to jab six-month-old babies with mRNA…We’re following the data. You look at these European countries. A lot of them don’t even allow Moderna for [adults] under age 30! They recommend against it…”2
DeSantis pointed out that a primary argument he heard last week from the FDA and CDC committees that authorized the shots for this age group is that parents need this vaccine because they are so afraid for their children. The only reason, DeSantis noted, that any parents would still be frightened of Covid for their children is because the media continue to mislead parents about the true risks for young people.
“To do an emergency use for a six-month-old or a one-year-old simply to placate anxiety, that’s not the standard when you’re doing this,” he said. “The standard is, is this something that’s safe and effective, and then very importantly for recommendation, does the benefit outweigh the risk?”3
Predictably, DeSantis is getting hammered by the media for taking such a strong stance against this snake oil.
However, polls indicate that public opinion has shifted dramatically against the Covid-19 vaccines for children. More parents than ever before are outright rejecting the vaccine for their kids. Fewer than one in five parents of kids under five now say they will go out and get their child vaccinated right away. Most parents appear to agree with DeSantis that the government simply has not made its case for why children in this age group should be injected with the experiment mRNA vaccines.
According to a survey published in May by the Kaiser Family Foundation:
Only 18 percent of parents with children under age 5 said they intend to get their child vaccinated “right away”
38 percent said they want to “wait and see” how it works for other young children before getting their child vaccinated
27 percent said they will “definitely not” get their child vaccinated
11 percent said they would do so “only if required” for school or daycare.4
These results contrast sharply with surveys from last fall that indicated the majority of parents were ready to get their young children injected as soon as a vaccine became available for their age group.5
With other surveys and data revealing that vaccine injury is widespread,6 it may be simply that the government took too long getting a vaccine approved for the youngest children. By now every American has had ample opportunity to see that the clinical trials for older children and adults, which claimed to show the Covid-19 vaccines were both “safe and effective,” were a farce.
In addition, parents no longer appear to be falling hook, line, and sinker for the CDC’s fear porn, in which the agency continues to pretend that children are dropping dead all over the place from Covid. Actual dangers for infected children are so low, in fact, that most parents will not know a single child who has suffered any serious harm from the virus.
Florida, meanwhile, now poses a major problem for Anthony Fauci and Friends. By advising parents not to vaccinate their children, and by refusing to stock the vaccine at public health clinics, the state is effectively guaranteeing that far fewer children in Florida will get vaccinated than in any other state. It will be able to serve as a large control group 7 when researchers begin to analyze the inevitable uptick in Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and other catastrophic health events in infants, toddlers, and preschoolers that follows the rollout of these vaccines in the rest of the nation.
Consequently, look for the Biden Administration to start going after DeSantis as it has Trump, with the full force of our corrupt U.S. Department of Justice. Look for the governor’s employees, allies, family, and friends to have their lives turned upside down with investigations of their businesses, property, taxes, children, and pets. Fauci and Friends, who answer only to themselves and Big Pharma, simply will not tolerate this level of insubordination. Billions of dollars are at stake, and everybody knows it.
Darby, Excellent piece. DeSantis is about the only thing standing between complete government takeover of everyone's life and sanity. Thank goodness we are a Republic. Let us hope "Hillary's People" don't get in proximity to him.
Will be an excellent control group. I could see the feds offering some kind of tax incentive to FL parents who vax their children too.