Okay, here's what I just sent. As usual, I was not at a loss for words.

To officials at the FDA, the CDC, and their respective advisory committees:

As you prepare to authorize Pfizer's Covid-19 vaccine for children under age 5, I feel compelled to ask each of you individually how much time you have spent reading the hundreds of thousands of reports submitted to VAERS that describe illness, injury and death from the Covid-19 vaccines?

VAERS was put in place in 1990 as a concession to those who were concerned about giving the vaccine makers blanket immunity for their products. Yet, all we have heard from you in the past year is that VAERS is a flawed system and should simply be ignored.

If it is flawed, it is because you have allowed it to be flawed and haven't cared enough to fix it.

Still, with all its flaws, VAERS tells a story. In the case of the Covid-19 vaccine, it is telling a powerful story of unparalleled iatrogenic human suffering, including death, blood clots, stroke, heart attack, myocarditis, seizure, Bell's Palsy, Guillane Barre, chronic headache, eye injuries, tinnitus, miscarriage, still births, and menstrual irregularities.

Miraculously, most parents of children between the ages of 5 and 11, and many parents of teenagers, have resoundingly rejected the Covid-19 vaccine for their children. Still, to date, VAERS has recorded more than 100 deaths and thousands of permanent injuries from the Covid-19 vaccine in children and teens. Imagine how much worse these numbers would be had so many parents not steeled themselves against the CDC's "children and Covid" propaganda.

Now you want to once again pretend vaccine injuries are not happening while you prey upon parents of children under five, despite the fact that Covid poses a miniscule threat to children in this age group. From the start of the pandemic to the week ending January 29, 2022, the CDC had recorded a grand total of 87 deaths for children ages one to four that listed Covid on the death certificate. Out of 39,141 deaths in children under age one since the start of the pandemic, only 200 listed Covid on the death certificate. Most of these children had multiple comorbidities.

Clearly, the benefits of vaccination for almost all children do NOT outweigh the risks, as entire countries, including Norway and Sweden, have now concluded.

I will leave you with one final thought: Many of the monsters who were tried and convicted of crimes against humanity in the Nuremberg Trials were shocked and bewildered by their prosecution. They were simply following orders and doing what everyone around them was doing. How could they be punished for that?

How indeed.


Darby Shaw

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Done. Here's what I sent in case others find it helpful:


I have learned in news reports that Pfizer and the FDA, at the request of the U.S. President, are looking to approve an emergency use authorization for the Covid Vaccines for children under 5 years old. Starting with two shots in this age group, with no adjustments for body weight. This approach has already failed. I've also learned the desire is to add a third dose later in the spring if data comes in that supports that use. The plan is quite literally to shoot up kids first, get the data later. This approach is completely unprecedented in the history of the FDA.

Please understand that:

1. We are watching;

2. The clinical trial of the Pfizer vaccine failed in this age group; and

3. You must vote NO because this proposed use violates the prohibitions against illegal medical experiments as outlined in the Nuremberg Code.

Please vote "no" and do not allow this to proceed unless/until unbiased, peer-reviewed trial data is available to support. These children are at essentially zero risk as-is, approving this will only endanger them unnecessarily.

Thank you.


Deen Blash

U.S. Citizen

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Would it be suitable to ask these upcoming Nuremberg Trial Criminals charged with Crimes against humanity, "How does it feel to know you will be tried for violations that Nazi War Criminals were tried for 70 years ago?" "What will your children come to view your legacy?" What do Nazi War Criminals and FDA Pfizer vaccine reviewers have in common?" YOU KILLED PEOPLE with callous disregard!

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Yes, it would!

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AWEsome. ThAnk youuu Michael (Deen too)l!! Aaand Miss Darby Shaw!! ExActly the kind of questions I feel aLL need to begin swarming these psychotic monsters with, along with our State and Local representatives... bAsically anYone and everYone that has played anY part in this lawlessness. It's time wE turn the tables and make ouR threats - PROMISES rather - known, rePeatedly, just as they've done to us. They need to know, heaR insistently, that we knOW the 'True' truths...we knOW their diabolical plan...we ARE coming together...we WILL resist...and ALL having a hand in this Tyranny WILL be held accountable.!. Justice WILL be served. Perhaps a reminder of history's outcome when the people DO fight back. Cuzz.. IT's COming!!!

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Here is the better email for Oveta Fuller - fullerao@umich.edu

I emailed them all, and thank you for the encouragement!

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Her email looks the same?

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Just reiterated the basic, indisputable truths.


The following are obvious facts.

1) Children are not in danger from COVID-19. They don't need protection from this disease by vaccination.

2) The Omicron variant is the least dangerous so far.

3) The vaccines are not preventing infection and transmission of the virus.

4) The long-term safety profile is unknown and unknowable at this time.

Please pay attention to reality. Do not approve this vaccine for small children.

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Thx for sharing your letter.

They know all of this.

When I wrote something similar to our state health department, I was emailed back with a dismissive and arrogant tone telling me to stop emailing/calling them because they are not interested and have no time to put into any of my opinions:(.

I’m unsure what it would take for these demons to stop the murdering.

Back in the 1930s when the movement against certain religion started & the holocaust was the ultimate outcome in the 1940’s, people like those leading our country and public institutions today we're bought in, one after another, day by day until a large majority agreed to be part of indirectly killing innocent people.

Maybe They will stop harming when things will start going terribly bad within their circle of friends and family?

And there is a lot to learn (apply today) from America’s forced sterilization back In the 1920s.

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The arrogance is off the charts. I agree. I also agree it's possible that a lot of people will not wake up until they personally are affected. But these vaccines are so horrible that eventually every family in America is likely to be personally affected. Just think: We had a so-called pandemic for two years and not a single sitting member of Congress died. And now this week, after his booster, one member of the U.S. Senate has suffered a stroke. The worst is yet to come. That's when many people (hopefully!) will finally wake up.

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These FDA officials clearly feel very comfortable with continuing and expanding the injections. They must have some substantial cover from people higher-up in the executive branch (or we could just say, "regime").

The federal agency's actions and policies must be absurd, dangerous, and seemingly unstoppable. Like filling a house with gas, the regime wants to create a volatile situation in the country by goading dissenters into organizing and carrying out some desperate, non-peaceful activity, or something that could be portrayed as such. The immediate reaction from the regime will be to clamp down on the "domestic terrorists" by declaring a state of emergency and using the military to confiscate weapons on a mass scale.

OK, that's pretty "out there" but how else do you explain the unresponsive, zombie-like monomania they exhibit? Mass formation is for the masses, not the leaders.

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The following is my email to the list: I have no children or grandchildren, nor have been adversely affected by vaccinations of family members, lest you think that I have some "skin in the game."  I am simply a concerned citizen.

I cannot understand how, in a rational world, you would meet to approve a vaccine with a failed clinical trial. Why are you even considering making a decision before the end of the latest trial period, for a most vulnerable population - infants and small children??

Please explain to me in terms I can understand, given my J.D. and M.P. Af. 

Up until now, you have failed the American people. You have failed future generations. Please consider stopping the madness now, or leaving your position. 

Thank you for your time and consideration

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to those that follow in the footsteps of dr Mengele

your names are known.

you will not be allowed to hide behind "ich habe es nicht gewusst"

you will not be able to hide or run.

you will be found and tried.

and then may the lord have mercy upon your souls.

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Here is what I sent - two versions as I needed to add an addition comment to Dr. Eric Rubin for his infamous quote during the October meeting. While I like the detail in Darby's reply, I had decided earlier my message needed to be as short as possible as I didn't want the length to be an excuse for it not to be read. I likely finished with the strongest thing anyone has said here and I refrained from pointing out that giving an account of your life before God will make Nuremberg 2.0 look like a walk in the park. [There was a hyperlink for The Nuremberg Code in each email.]

I used Toby's links and I think it would be good for those of us still using the cesspool that is Twitter if we would take advantage of his links to post there as well, perhaps closer to the meeting.

The Pfizer experimental vaccine for infants and children MUST NOT be approved for EUA nor added to the vaccine schedule for children.

1. Unless a child has serious co-morbidities, a SARS-CoV-2 infection of any variant, much less Omicron, is ZERO risk to them, therefore this experimental vaccine is unnecessary and the risks outweigh the benefits.

2. This experimental vaccine failed in clinical trials in this age group. We do not experiment on children (or anyone else). See The Nuremberg Code.

3. Children have already been killed or permanently disabled by the current vaccine program you approved last year. Take the time to look at VAERS reports or search for real journalists reporting these facts.

4. You must vote NO in approving this experimental vaccine for this age group.

5. You will be held accountable for your role in abusing children if you approve this. I am encouraging you to do the right thing and repent, which means to literally turn around and walk the other direction. Regardless of whether or not you believe in God, you will be required to stand before Him and give an account of your life and actions.

Specifically to Rubin:

Dear Dr. Rubin,

The Pfizer experimental vaccine for infants and children MUST NOT be approved for EUA nor added to the vaccine schedule for children.

1. Unless a child has serious co-morbidities, a SARS-CoV-2 infection of any variant, much less Omicron, is ZERO risk to them, therefore this experimental vaccine is unnecessary and the risks outweigh the benefits.

2. This experimental vaccine failed in clinical trials in this age group. We do not experiment on children (or anyone else). See The Nuremberg Code. I will note your misguided comment here during the previous meeting, “But we’re never gonna learn how safe the vaccine is unless we start giving it.” I believe the proof has been revealed in point #3.

3. Children have already been killed or permanently disabled by the current vaccine program you approved last year. Take the time to look at VAERS reports or search for real journalists reporting these facts.

4. You must vote NO in approving this experimental vaccine for this age group.

5. You will be held accountable for your role in abusing children if you approve this. I am encouraging you to do the right thing and repent, which means to literally turn around and walk the other direction. Regardless of whether or not you believe in God, you will be required to stand before Him and give an account of your life and actions.

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Excellent message. Thank you!

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Okay, here’s mine:

Shame on all of you. You are approving shots THAT KILL or PERMANENTLY INJURE your fellow Americans. The blood money you collect will come at a very steep price, I can promise you that.

You all know (and knew from the start) that this mRNA technology is dangerous. Why else would you eliminate control groups? Refuse to release documents? My son recently said to me, “Our own country sold us out to be test subjects.” And he’s right.

There are a lot of us who are on to you; we are all willing to bear witness against you, with our last breath. And you can’t murder us all.

I implore you: leave the babies alone. You have already harmed the health and fertility of at least one entire generation; isn’t that enough for you?

I can sleep knowing there will be an ultimate reckoning one day. You are violating God’s Own natural laws, and He will NOT be mocked. There will be an enormous price to pay for your actions.

Heaven help you.

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Thank you for posting this info, Darby as it's still not up at VSRF. I think I'll keep mine short and to the point as others have done below. Looking forward to Nuremberg 2.0 whenever it finally comes.

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Not sure if comments on old posts get to you, Darby. I hope so. Just got this news. CA congresswoman Anna Eshoo had a town hall call-in tonight.

There was a doctor from Stanford on the call, I think it was this MD:



Dr Maldonado was talking about her current vax study for under-5-year-olds and how easy it is to get parents to volunteer their kids around the Stanford area. She seems confident that they are well on the way to get the FDA approval in April. She clearly said there was no issue with safety at all. It was just a matter of getting proof that the immune system was boosted. And she made a remark about how it would not be a big deal if multiple boosters were required, how that is totally normal for kids' vax.

Town hall audio postings are here:


(I do not see the recording yet.)

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Thank you so much for this update. Very interesting. I hope this doctor is wrong. But I guess we will find out shortly!

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I don't understand why they would want to risk any child injuries or deaths when they know the repercussions.

I know it's a Friday but have a look at this correlation in increased mortality rates (in non-Covid deaths) as the booster programme begins.


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My brain is fried, but I definitely will take a look at this as soon as I get my second wind. Thank you!

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they WANT the boosters on the books for children to further strengthen their so called legal immunity from the mounting vaxx failures.

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I know I do not need to break this down for this group, but for my own sanity, here we go- Omicron has crowded out Delta. Omicron is a cousin of the Wuhan virus, so not even the same lineage as the virus with the S1 protein that the vaccines were developed on. Omicron seems to target the vaccinated preferentially, so breakthrough cases are the norm. Why is anyone suggesting that people, especially babies, take a product that has failed for a virus that has been crowded out? Who are these parents that have some how missed all of these developments and still think there is any benefit to injecting this into their young children? We have seen some crazy, previously unimaginable, things during this pandemic, but this one is illogical on its face. I cannot fathom how anyone is still buying a word of this?!

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Thanks, I emailed them all and was blocked by Woodcock, Marks and Sean McCloskie, all HHS.

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If anybody blocks the group email, you may still be able to reach them individually.

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the message seemed to be that they are getting too many emails to those 3...which is good...

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I sent mine individually, which is aggravating but effective.

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Thank you!

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You are doing the hard work. I am along for the ride!

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I wrote to these evil creatures again and again without one of them acknowledging my letters.

One time I got an auto reply.

In my opinion, the best way to stop this madness is to find a way to inform the parents - the ‘customers’ - so they are in a position to make informed decisions for their children.

Meanwhile, the public health experts who led the pandemic are expendable useless idiots. And they are deeply corrupted beyond any level of imagination.

The pandemic is ending because of what normal people in the U.S. have done. Biden’s only option now is to end the pandemic to stop the political bleeding.

If the pandemic ends next month, and I hope it does, it will be time to start the accountability phase.

All the so-called public health experts who destroyed lives and economies will need to be held to full account.

And guess what? The democrats will not protect them.

Why should they care? The public health experts who led the pandemic are expendable useless idiots.

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I sent one copied from a commenter at Toby Rogers site:

You absolutely must NOT approve the Pfizer vaccines for 6 month old babies to 5 year old children. There is zero data to support this EUA application and you must vote NO as this proposed use violates the Nurenberg Code's prohibitions against illegal medical experiments.

In the likely event of serious adverse events and even deaths, you will be held personally responsible for this crime against humanity.

You must do the right thing and not rubber stamp this experimental gene therapy for the most vulnerable people in our society. This mRNA shot failed in clinical trials with 2-4 year olds.

We are watching and will hold you accountable for your actions.

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