Pfizer Seeks Approval for Useless Kid Booster
The company gave a Covid booster shot to 140 kids ages 5 to 11 and reported results after just one month. Safety and efficacy no longer are conditions for FDA approval, and everyone knows it.
Pfizer Inc. announced today that it will seek Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for its Covid-19 booster shot in children. The company did so after posting “positive results” from a Phase 2/3 clinical trial of a 10-µg booster dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine in children.
According to Pfizer’s press release, “data were analyzed from 140 children 5 through 11 years of age [who] received a booster dose approximately 6 months after the second dose…” Investigators tested the children one month later and claim they measured a six-fold increase in SARS-CoV-2 wild-type strain–neutralizing geometric mean titers (GMTs) relative to the number of titers measured one month after the second dose.1
According to the press release: “These data reinforce the potential function of a third dose of the vaccine in maintaining high levels of protection against the virus in this age group.”
Later in the same press release, Pfizer states that “in this most recent booster data readout (n=401), the vaccine was well tolerated with no new safety signals observed.”
Wait a minute. Did Pfizer give this booster to 140 kids or to 401? If the latter, where is the efficacy data on the other 261 kids?
Who cares? Pfizer will never have to answer this question, and the company knows it.
It will now seek and obtain an EUA from the FDA for this booster shot, despite the following:
In a large study by the New York State Department of Health, the two-dose series showed negative efficacy in this age group within two months, meaning that children who were “fully vaccinated” with two doses were MORE likely to be infected with Covid than children who were unvaccinated.2
This booster trial was tiny by any standard, whether the total number of children enrolled was 140 or 401. For comparison, the 1954 trial for the Salk polio vaccine enrolled more than 600,000 school-age children.
The data on increased titers after Dose Three extends for only one month. What happens after one month? Do the children soon suffer negative efficacy once again, meaning that they would have been better off unvaccinated than they are boosted? Pfizer doesn’t say.
The company did not even attempt to measure true efficacy. There is no data from this trial on transmission, hospitalization, or death. Indeed, the number of children enrolled is far too small to enable measurement of these outcomes.
The trial is far too small to measure safety.
Investigators only tested the booster on healthy children. Yet, as soon as it receives EUA, the CDC will insist that all children need booster shots and that they are “safe and effective” for everyone.
The data from this study are unpublished and have not been subjected to peer review.
So, once again, we won’t know the true effect of this booster shot on children until they start getting it. That is what we now call “science” in the good ol’ USA.
Just learned my niece and nephew (both 13) have now been boosted. They were perfectly healthy. Now who knows? My sister has gone to the dark side. I’m broken hearted.
This is so enraging, I'm sorry but can't read it! 🤬