Comments were turned off by accident but are now enabled. I have presented a provocative theory behind the masking of children and would love to hear your thoughts: Is it Munchausen by Proxy?
Kids should never be in masks, my husband ended up with an ulcer inside his nose after wearing a mask all day, it was always bleeding and painful, he stopped wearing one immediately. I think he’s finally come round to seeing the truth about all of this,
This is an excellent appraisal, and I hadn't thought about it this way. It's not just shifting the responsibility for (theoretically) protecting adults, but if we accept their premise regarding a deadly pandemic, placing such a responsibility on children is totally inappropriate.
There's a fourth possibility for this phenomenon, which is deliberate manipulation by the government's behavioral psychology department (in the UK that would be SAGE), naturally this incorporates the three possibilities mentioned as part of it's overall strategy.
The American Academy of Pediatrics didn't just turn a blind eye, they have actively removed documentation of the harm caused by depriving children of facial cues, put out several tweets denying negative effect, and the MSM publicized child research psychologist Dr. Judith Danovitch's claims that masking *helps* child development, claiming to "improve social and cognitive skills." JAMA Pediatrics is censoring pediatric mask studies and pushing to circumvent parental consent. These groups are among the more than 10,000 individuals and organizations who received money from the pharmaceutical companies and the constellation of Gates "philanthropies" beginning a couple years before the arrival of the 'novel coronavirus.'
For we few, none of this is hindsight. It was clear from the very beginning exactly what was going on, but we were ignored or dismissed. Thankfully, the ranks of "conspiracy theorists" is growing as more people awaken to the reality of the style of governance our invisible oligarchs have always employed.
Only 6% knew the *real* risk, which, given the official protocol is to completely withhold medical treatment until the COVID victim is at deaths door and in need of supplemental oxygen or a ventillator, would be almost 0 if people were allowed access to early treatment.
OMG this is a damning condemnation. I was aghast at the JAMA retraction. I knew that fiasco was fishy immediately. But what are you going to do? Everyone else thought it was perfectly normal. What is happening to American kids is beyond cruel, its criminal. Kids in the Netherlands haven't been masked at all throughout all this. But try to tell that to my American peers and they have a positive conniption fit. It must be so painful for them. I almost want to copy and paste your comment on social media, but I believe we are beyond help at this point. No body reads anything I post anyway. I am so overwhelmed with this kind of thing that I can hardly see the forest for the trees anymore!
People listen to "experts" and don't know what they don't know. It's also as if there is a sense of....'we need to do something'. What often happens in ..'we need to do something' situations is knee jerk reactions and the 'something' that is done doesn't alleviate the problem and sometimes makes it worse....but hey ..'we did something.'
History is littered with examples of this. My personal favorite because I grew up in Hawaii is when someone thought it would be a good idea to introduce mongoose to the islands to control the population of invasive rats in sugar cane fields. Only this someone failed to realize that rats are nocturnal and mongoose are diurnal and so they never interacted and instead the mongoose became predators devastating native bird populations. Big oops. SMH.
This was excellent, Darby and I'm glad you've got the comments enabled. Yes, I agree with your analysis of Munchausen by Proxy. I was introduced to this "mind virus"/mental illness in Gad Saad's book "The Parasitic Mind" earlier this year. M by P explained my experience volunteering at a no-kill animal shelter. I knew these people were mentally ill; using animals to get their needs met, but in a twisted, sick way, not because they really cared about them. I thought it was a power trip, but there was something more to it. Horrible situation that made me feel incapable of making any difference at all.
I have always considered masking children to be child abuse and it takes a lot of self-control in public for me to NOT say something to strangers. I have no qualms though about saying it to people I'm talking with and encouraging them to actually look at studies and think about all the bacteria you're making your child breathe. I asked a person who admitted she always masks her children and is a dental hygienist what part of your body has the most bacteria? She admitted it was our mouths, but this connection didn't seem to land anywhere.
Great insights! Sadly, I think a desire to fit in and be liked guides the behavior of many people, even parents of very young children. When I think about it too long, it makes me very angry.
Yeah. I'm at the same point myself. Part of me wants to see them get what's coming. Aside from the innocent children, I've lost my compassion for them. The 'go along to get along' crowd and the closet fascists are what allowed it to get this far.
And thank you SO MUCH for doing this substack. Your work is beautiful, it's what I wish I could do if I wasn't dumb and had more time to dedicate to writing well
I was a teacher too and I can only imagine how awful it would be teaching in the age of masking. Anyway to answer your question YES it is absolutely Munchausen syndrome by proxy, I notice this in a lot of moms group I am in. Half the mom groups I am in are "crunchy" i.e. they never vaccinated their children or stopped vaccinating and the other half are "conventional". With the conventional groups it's feels mothers think they are being good parents ™ when they talk about how baby got his shots at exactly 2 months old, or that they swabbed their 2 year old three times for COVID, or the doctor said he had never seen adenoids so large when they removed them surgically from my child! Aren't I such a good conscientious parent? So compliant and deferential to the experts! I never have anything to contribute to these discussions because my children really don't get sick.
Burdening children... Unfortunately for a significant percentage of children in wealthy countries and neighbourhoods children need more responsibility. They've been coddled massively and a simple historical comparison in your own country or vs poorer countries will reveal that fact quite easily.
I used to have a paper route earning pocket money at age 6 riding my bike, up at 6am. My parents were working since around age 3. We call that child labour in 2021 but it was normal back then. It was part of learning. We all went to school as well as my parents. We have 2-3 months off in the summer because when public education began kids had to go help the family with the harvest back in the 19th Century. Education was designed around rural 19th C America.
You are comparing having a paper route to being required to wear a cover over your face at school and daycare all day and being told that doing so appropriately is a matter of life and death. I laughed out loud.
You're exaggerating "it's a matter of life and death for grandma & people with long term health issues."
You're looking at this from an individual persons perspective. With highly infectious diseases this POV has consequences.. For everyone else... Especially grandma.
At the population level any measurable % of mask compliance or other NPI reduces the # of chances where the virus can spread.
Hence the jokes and memes ... The virus only spreads after 6pm when we have to close everything. Partially true... The point is reducing the # of person to person contacts reduces transmission of viruses. Its mathematics for them. Reduce contacts without shutting down the economy.. It's a difficult balancing act.
You can choose the Asian way (eg caring about the elderly) of which China took the most extreme measures. For them, 76 days and the pandemic ended. No mask requirements anymore, people free to live their life (short of international travel.) no discussions of who died, whose in quarantine or anything other than they can't travel internationally.
There's a big world out there... Many countries chose different strategies and have different conclusions.
Hypoxia? Serious? Wearing a mask can lead to hypoxia? I include a link with a foto to an Olympian runner who due to asthma must run with a mask so he doesn't die.
There's another benefit to mask that was indicative from the Olympic runners example. People who suffer from asthma has benefited dramatically from masking. Many didn't know and only realised this during the pandemic when it was required.
Well they have introduced masks in elementary schools here in the Netherlands--only in the hallways, so not as bad as the states, but my daughter came home with a bad headache after her ordeal on the first day. So I simply sent a message to the teacher and stated that she will not be wearing one since it is not legally mandated for anyone under 13, merely urgent advice that the school is trying to require. I reiterated that we are very careful about staying home with symptoms and the response I got was positive. Very grateful it was quick and easy as I am not a fan of confrontation, but I am sharpening my claws for the vaccine fight that is coming. Just as in the states, the masking is a tool for blackmail you can see a mile off. I'm trying to head it off and tell others, but mostly no one cares.
Kids should never be in masks, my husband ended up with an ulcer inside his nose after wearing a mask all day, it was always bleeding and painful, he stopped wearing one immediately. I think he’s finally come round to seeing the truth about all of this,
This is an excellent appraisal, and I hadn't thought about it this way. It's not just shifting the responsibility for (theoretically) protecting adults, but if we accept their premise regarding a deadly pandemic, placing such a responsibility on children is totally inappropriate.
There's a fourth possibility for this phenomenon, which is deliberate manipulation by the government's behavioral psychology department (in the UK that would be SAGE), naturally this incorporates the three possibilities mentioned as part of it's overall strategy.
The American Academy of Pediatrics didn't just turn a blind eye, they have actively removed documentation of the harm caused by depriving children of facial cues, put out several tweets denying negative effect, and the MSM publicized child research psychologist Dr. Judith Danovitch's claims that masking *helps* child development, claiming to "improve social and cognitive skills." JAMA Pediatrics is censoring pediatric mask studies and pushing to circumvent parental consent. These groups are among the more than 10,000 individuals and organizations who received money from the pharmaceutical companies and the constellation of Gates "philanthropies" beginning a couple years before the arrival of the 'novel coronavirus.'
For we few, none of this is hindsight. It was clear from the very beginning exactly what was going on, but we were ignored or dismissed. Thankfully, the ranks of "conspiracy theorists" is growing as more people awaken to the reality of the style of governance our invisible oligarchs have always employed.
How SAGE and the UK media created fear in the British public
If you check SAGE's Wipedia page, you'll see a list of previous psyops, events worth reevaluating
AAP Pfizer sponsorship (Pfizer has since been removed from the sponsorship page)
AAP Is Deleting All Its Web Pages on Child Development and Facial Cues
American Academy of Pediatrics: Masks Have No Negative Effect on Children (and AAP mask tweets)
Masks a ‘Great Opportunity’ to Help Kids Learn in School, Help Conquer Nose-Picking, Nail-Biting
Actually, Wearing a Mask Can Help Your Child Learn (non-paywalled NYT Judith Danovitch article)
JAMA Pediatrics on parental consent and mandatory vaccination , by Dr. Meryl Nass
JAMA Pediatrics Editors Retract Children’s Mask Study
Facebook warns JAMA study on children's COVID masks 'false news,' sharers will be punished
According to this Galllup poll, the manipulation was wildly successful, with only 18% of the population correctly estimating the (official) risk of hospitalization
Only 6% knew the *real* risk, which, given the official protocol is to completely withhold medical treatment until the COVID victim is at deaths door and in need of supplemental oxygen or a ventillator, would be almost 0 if people were allowed access to early treatment.
OMG this is a damning condemnation. I was aghast at the JAMA retraction. I knew that fiasco was fishy immediately. But what are you going to do? Everyone else thought it was perfectly normal. What is happening to American kids is beyond cruel, its criminal. Kids in the Netherlands haven't been masked at all throughout all this. But try to tell that to my American peers and they have a positive conniption fit. It must be so painful for them. I almost want to copy and paste your comment on social media, but I believe we are beyond help at this point. No body reads anything I post anyway. I am so overwhelmed with this kind of thing that I can hardly see the forest for the trees anymore!
I know exactly how you feel. It seems like our job at this point is mostly to bear witness.
This simple response was really helpful and I keep forgetting to thank you for it. "I am bearing witness" can be one of my new mantras.
I think the AAP is positively disgusting. Right up there with Fauci - twisted.
People listen to "experts" and don't know what they don't know. It's also as if there is a sense of....'we need to do something'. What often happens in ..'we need to do something' situations is knee jerk reactions and the 'something' that is done doesn't alleviate the problem and sometimes makes it worse....but hey ..'we did something.'
History is littered with examples of this. My personal favorite because I grew up in Hawaii is when someone thought it would be a good idea to introduce mongoose to the islands to control the population of invasive rats in sugar cane fields. Only this someone failed to realize that rats are nocturnal and mongoose are diurnal and so they never interacted and instead the mongoose became predators devastating native bird populations. Big oops. SMH.
Incredibly insightful.
Thank you!
This was excellent, Darby and I'm glad you've got the comments enabled. Yes, I agree with your analysis of Munchausen by Proxy. I was introduced to this "mind virus"/mental illness in Gad Saad's book "The Parasitic Mind" earlier this year. M by P explained my experience volunteering at a no-kill animal shelter. I knew these people were mentally ill; using animals to get their needs met, but in a twisted, sick way, not because they really cared about them. I thought it was a power trip, but there was something more to it. Horrible situation that made me feel incapable of making any difference at all.
I have always considered masking children to be child abuse and it takes a lot of self-control in public for me to NOT say something to strangers. I have no qualms though about saying it to people I'm talking with and encouraging them to actually look at studies and think about all the bacteria you're making your child breathe. I asked a person who admitted she always masks her children and is a dental hygienist what part of your body has the most bacteria? She admitted it was our mouths, but this connection didn't seem to land anywhere.
The bacteria argument slays me in that people just deny it! WTH? Biology 101 out the window. Ok.
Great insights! Sadly, I think a desire to fit in and be liked guides the behavior of many people, even parents of very young children. When I think about it too long, it makes me very angry.
#6, "Use and promote social approval for desired behaviors"
#8, "Consider use of social disapproval for failure to comply"
Yup. Have the book. I guess I don't have much sympathy for weak people, especially parents of young children.
Yeah. I'm at the same point myself. Part of me wants to see them get what's coming. Aside from the innocent children, I've lost my compassion for them. The 'go along to get along' crowd and the closet fascists are what allowed it to get this far.
First thank you for turning con comments
And thank you SO MUCH for doing this substack. Your work is beautiful, it's what I wish I could do if I wasn't dumb and had more time to dedicate to writing well
I was a teacher too and I can only imagine how awful it would be teaching in the age of masking. Anyway to answer your question YES it is absolutely Munchausen syndrome by proxy, I notice this in a lot of moms group I am in. Half the mom groups I am in are "crunchy" i.e. they never vaccinated their children or stopped vaccinating and the other half are "conventional". With the conventional groups it's feels mothers think they are being good parents ™ when they talk about how baby got his shots at exactly 2 months old, or that they swabbed their 2 year old three times for COVID, or the doctor said he had never seen adenoids so large when they removed them surgically from my child! Aren't I such a good conscientious parent? So compliant and deferential to the experts! I never have anything to contribute to these discussions because my children really don't get sick.
Burdening children... Unfortunately for a significant percentage of children in wealthy countries and neighbourhoods children need more responsibility. They've been coddled massively and a simple historical comparison in your own country or vs poorer countries will reveal that fact quite easily.
I used to have a paper route earning pocket money at age 6 riding my bike, up at 6am. My parents were working since around age 3. We call that child labour in 2021 but it was normal back then. It was part of learning. We all went to school as well as my parents. We have 2-3 months off in the summer because when public education began kids had to go help the family with the harvest back in the 19th Century. Education was designed around rural 19th C America.
You are comparing having a paper route to being required to wear a cover over your face at school and daycare all day and being told that doing so appropriately is a matter of life and death. I laughed out loud.
You're exaggerating "it's a matter of life and death for grandma & people with long term health issues."
You're looking at this from an individual persons perspective. With highly infectious diseases this POV has consequences.. For everyone else... Especially grandma.
At the population level any measurable % of mask compliance or other NPI reduces the # of chances where the virus can spread.
Hence the jokes and memes ... The virus only spreads after 6pm when we have to close everything. Partially true... The point is reducing the # of person to person contacts reduces transmission of viruses. Its mathematics for them. Reduce contacts without shutting down the economy.. It's a difficult balancing act.
You can choose the Asian way (eg caring about the elderly) of which China took the most extreme measures. For them, 76 days and the pandemic ended. No mask requirements anymore, people free to live their life (short of international travel.) no discussions of who died, whose in quarantine or anything other than they can't travel internationally.
There's a big world out there... Many countries chose different strategies and have different conclusions.
Hypoxia? Serious? Wearing a mask can lead to hypoxia? I include a link with a foto to an Olympian runner who due to asthma must run with a mask so he doesn't die.
There's another benefit to mask that was indicative from the Olympic runners example. People who suffer from asthma has benefited dramatically from masking. Many didn't know and only realised this during the pandemic when it was required.
Well they have introduced masks in elementary schools here in the Netherlands--only in the hallways, so not as bad as the states, but my daughter came home with a bad headache after her ordeal on the first day. So I simply sent a message to the teacher and stated that she will not be wearing one since it is not legally mandated for anyone under 13, merely urgent advice that the school is trying to require. I reiterated that we are very careful about staying home with symptoms and the response I got was positive. Very grateful it was quick and easy as I am not a fan of confrontation, but I am sharpening my claws for the vaccine fight that is coming. Just as in the states, the masking is a tool for blackmail you can see a mile off. I'm trying to head it off and tell others, but mostly no one cares.