This girl's story, to me, shows one of the many problems with allowing people who are not your child's own doctor to administer vaccines. There is now apparently no one in this mother's sphere to tell her she definitely should not let her daughter get the second shot.
3 vaccinations needed in the 60s, all justifiable. Versus modern day schedule of 70 vaccines for youth. We are in a time of medical tyranny. IT IS THE EVIL OUR TIMES.
How about the over-vaccination of humans in general these days? So much disease and autism. Disgusting. And doctors bring this to innocent, unknowing people.
Thank you for sharing this, even though it’s killing me reading it as a parent! I’m going to share this to my schools mom Facebook group as they have 212 families signed up for our vax clinic of kids. The school keeps sending out emails “sign up now….212 families have and spots are almost full” It makes me so mad! My elementary kids had covid in 2020 and have had colds worse than covid!
For those who don't know, Dr. Robert Malone is on Substack now. His newsletter is titled "Who is Robert Malone?" Today he has written about mass formation/mass delusional psychosis. That is obviously the mother's issue in the last post; she has been hypnotized by the medical establishment and media propaganda.
As I'm reading the accounts, as a parent of a miracle only child, I'm thinking, "all of these accounts are someone's child" and I cannot imagine how devastating this must be especially if you realize you had a role in their death. It would be unbearable.
"realize you had a role in their death. It would be unbearable" This is what I can't get past. If your child gets a communicable disease like COVID, or cancer, or is in a car accident, there's some element of chance involved, and presumably, you tried to avoid it as best you could. But if you take them to the clinic and say, yes, stick that unknown chemical concoction into my child, and then they die or become disabled as a result, how can you live with that? How can anyone do that???
I don't know. Ignorance is so prevalent and critical thinking appears to be dead. One brother-in-law thinks masks work and they got the jabs and obviously encouraged their sons (in the myocarditis roulette age group) to get it since they've all been jabbed. Advanced degrees are not associated with common sense or critical thinking. Another, a friend with immune issues did the same thing and her sons are the same age.
I look back at all the childhood vaccines our son (26) got and shake my head at how ignorant and trusting I was - even in my 30s. I've already told him, please don't vax your children before you research everything.
This morning I listened to Robert Malone talk with Dr. Mark McDonald, a child psychiatrist speak about the damage to children from masks, lockdowns and isolation. I've read his articles before as well as heard him speak, but this time was hard to listen to. I really need to get more bold in public thanking parents who are NOT masking their children. I don't know what to do with the other idiots.
These are heartbreaking to read. May I add another? I've been reading these too, bearing witness, but sometimes I just have to stop. I am a mother to young children and I see them and hear them in the children whose reports I read.
11 year old girl:
Patient complained to parent that she couldn't hear anything, that she couldn't "feel her ears" within 5 min after being vaccinated. Pt soon after became unconscious and fell on the floor. RPH was called to the site at this time. Pt gained consciousness ~2-5 min after RPH was present. Pt then had a seizure that lasted about 5 min; pt was screaming, asking mom "to make it stop." She later felt better but was feeling tired.
My God, what on earth are we doing. Reading all these accounts, each one different than the other, we clearly have no idea what these injections are doing once inside human bodies. But we keep giving them, forcing people to get them, and falsely assuring everyone they are “safe and effective”. “Make it stop”— exactly.
Dead reaction....dead reaction....dead reaction....dead reaction....dead babies....(?) At what point are the signers of the Busted News Initiative actually guilty for hiding this from the sheeple? NYT (for ex.) is literally killing people by their silence. That's why we can't convince those sheeple, they literally can not believe their trusted sources are not.
Are you freaking kidding me? This 8 yr olds mom should be thrown in jail & her child removed to a safe home. Wtf is wrong with her? Thinking about a 2nd dose? What kind of morons are willing to put their own child in danger????
Here is something EXTREMELY URGENT for the ENTIRE WORLD TO LISTEN TO AND TAKE NOTE OF. An important message off the actual Inventor of mRNA Dr. Robert Malone sends this message to parents considering vaccinating their children. I tried to warn you all.
This made my heart hurt. I want to shake that 8yo girl’s mom.
Tylenol plus vaccines is not a good combo
I just saw the FDA approved boosters for 16 and 17 year olds. Unbelievable. Every day I pray this nightmare ends
This girl's story, to me, shows one of the many problems with allowing people who are not your child's own doctor to administer vaccines. There is now apparently no one in this mother's sphere to tell her she definitely should not let her daughter get the second shot.
3 vaccinations needed in the 60s, all justifiable. Versus modern day schedule of 70 vaccines for youth. We are in a time of medical tyranny. IT IS THE EVIL OUR TIMES.
How about the over-vaccination of humans in general these days? So much disease and autism. Disgusting. And doctors bring this to innocent, unknowing people.
It's doubtful the 3 in the 60s were justifiable either.
Her brain should tell her not to get her daughter the 2nd shot!! You don't NEED ADVICE OR PERMISSION.....COME ON!!!!
It is sickening. How many more children/people have to be injured/killed before they stop?
You and me both about the prayer, although my version is usually, "Jesus, help us!"
Thank you for sharing this, even though it’s killing me reading it as a parent! I’m going to share this to my schools mom Facebook group as they have 212 families signed up for our vax clinic of kids. The school keeps sending out emails “sign up now….212 families have and spots are almost full” It makes me so mad! My elementary kids had covid in 2020 and have had colds worse than covid!
Thank you for sharing this on Facebook. The parents who don't want to hear any of this are exactly the ones who need to hear it the most!
Disgraceful! Save your children from these experimental toxic injections!!!
For those who don't know, Dr. Robert Malone is on Substack now. His newsletter is titled "Who is Robert Malone?" Today he has written about mass formation/mass delusional psychosis. That is obviously the mother's issue in the last post; she has been hypnotized by the medical establishment and media propaganda.
As I'm reading the accounts, as a parent of a miracle only child, I'm thinking, "all of these accounts are someone's child" and I cannot imagine how devastating this must be especially if you realize you had a role in their death. It would be unbearable.
"realize you had a role in their death. It would be unbearable" This is what I can't get past. If your child gets a communicable disease like COVID, or cancer, or is in a car accident, there's some element of chance involved, and presumably, you tried to avoid it as best you could. But if you take them to the clinic and say, yes, stick that unknown chemical concoction into my child, and then they die or become disabled as a result, how can you live with that? How can anyone do that???
I don't know. Ignorance is so prevalent and critical thinking appears to be dead. One brother-in-law thinks masks work and they got the jabs and obviously encouraged their sons (in the myocarditis roulette age group) to get it since they've all been jabbed. Advanced degrees are not associated with common sense or critical thinking. Another, a friend with immune issues did the same thing and her sons are the same age.
I look back at all the childhood vaccines our son (26) got and shake my head at how ignorant and trusting I was - even in my 30s. I've already told him, please don't vax your children before you research everything.
This morning I listened to Robert Malone talk with Dr. Mark McDonald, a child psychiatrist speak about the damage to children from masks, lockdowns and isolation. I've read his articles before as well as heard him speak, but this time was hard to listen to. I really need to get more bold in public thanking parents who are NOT masking their children. I don't know what to do with the other idiots.
I’m reading that last report above and thinking that parent is completely insane.
Breaks my heart...when will the madness end?
These are heartbreaking to read. May I add another? I've been reading these too, bearing witness, but sometimes I just have to stop. I am a mother to young children and I see them and hear them in the children whose reports I read.
11 year old girl:
Patient complained to parent that she couldn't hear anything, that she couldn't "feel her ears" within 5 min after being vaccinated. Pt soon after became unconscious and fell on the floor. RPH was called to the site at this time. Pt gained consciousness ~2-5 min after RPH was present. Pt then had a seizure that lasted about 5 min; pt was screaming, asking mom "to make it stop." She later felt better but was feeling tired.
My God, what on earth are we doing. Reading all these accounts, each one different than the other, we clearly have no idea what these injections are doing once inside human bodies. But we keep giving them, forcing people to get them, and falsely assuring everyone they are “safe and effective”. “Make it stop”— exactly.
Great (wrong word I know) summary mate, thanks
Dead reaction....dead reaction....dead reaction....dead reaction....dead babies....(?) At what point are the signers of the Busted News Initiative actually guilty for hiding this from the sheeple? NYT (for ex.) is literally killing people by their silence. That's why we can't convince those sheeple, they literally can not believe their trusted sources are not.
Are you freaking kidding me? This 8 yr olds mom should be thrown in jail & her child removed to a safe home. Wtf is wrong with her? Thinking about a 2nd dose? What kind of morons are willing to put their own child in danger????
Strafe and effective.
Here is something EXTREMELY URGENT for the ENTIRE WORLD TO LISTEN TO AND TAKE NOTE OF. An important message off the actual Inventor of mRNA Dr. Robert Malone sends this message to parents considering vaccinating their children. I tried to warn you all.
I cannot LIKE this post, but than you for publishing it.