Another Troubling Vaccine Side Effect: PSYCHOSIS
Case reports show adults and children in all age groups experiencing psychosis and suicidal ideation following Covid-19 vaccination. Is a recent spate of suicides in the fully vaccinated connected?
Some of the most disturbing reports from the CDC’s vaccine adverse events database read like scripts from a horror movie. Parents and physicians describe perfectly healthy, happy, well-adjusted children who receive a Covid-19 injection and become psychotic. The children start hearing voices, seeing things that aren’t there, expressing a wish to die, and in some case even attempting suicide.
From OpenVAERS1:
VAERS ID: 2043532 AGE: 12 Sex: Male State: WA -- My son received his Covid 19 booster on 1/15 2022 at 10:00 AM. Approximately 14-18 hours after this vaccine is given my son begins approximately 5 min episodes of hallucinations in which he says and does things that do not make sense. 15 hrs after his vaccine at 1:00 AM on 1/16/2022 he woke up and became extremely agitated, yelling, screaming, crying, heart racing and this time started saying he was going to die or needed to die. He is not lucid. When asked questions he does not make sense or does not know basic information such as his age or birthdate. He walked to the banister from his room on the 2nd story and began climbing over the edge. My husband grabbed him and took him to his bed holding him down and asking him to count to 10. He slowly begins to calm and all of a sudden becomes lucid again and starts making sense. He has no memory of his actions during the hallucinations…
VAERS ID: 1897747 AGE: 10 SEX: Male State: IA - Patient began experiencing suicidal thoughts six days after receiving the vaccine. This resulted in an ER visit November 11th. He started Lexapro but got worse. By November 16th, he was articulating a plan to kill himself. He was taken to the ER again on November 19th. His prescription was changed to Zoloft. Two days later, he attempted to kill himself and had to be physically restrained for 1.5 hours.
VAERS ID: 1428469 AGE: 12 SEX: Female State: PA -- My daughter, who is the most normal kid around, is telling me that she is scared of being alone because she is afraid something or someone will attack her. She has never had delusions or hallucinations before and is now one week after her first dose of the Pfizer vaccine. She is scared now to walk down the hallway in the house sometimes and also to be alone in her room or another room in the house without people. She was in virtual school for the entire school year and never had a situation like this. She is scared she will never stop feeling this way. The only thing that has changed in her life and is different is that she got the vaccine.
A search of the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) turns up thousands of reports like these, involving children and adults of all ages, both male and female, with links to all three authorized Covid-19 vaccines in the U.S. (Pfizer, Moderna, and J&J). While high fever accompanies some of these psychotic episodes…
…the majority are occurring in the absence of fever.
Many adult cases describe multiple post-vaccination symptoms, of which hallucinations and/or suicidal ideation are among the most dangerous and troubling.
In some adults the persistence and severity of other injuries from the Covid-19 vaccine is the catalyst that drives them to contemplate suicide.
However, in many cases, psychosis is the only symptom reported. VAERS includes accounts of both adults and children with no other serious adverse reactions who killed themselves shortly after Covid-19 vaccination.
The Covid-19 vaccine clinical trials of Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson and Johnson did not identify psychosis and suicidal ideation as potential adverse events following vaccination. However, it is disturbing to learn that the Moderna trial reported two deaths in its vaccine group — one from heart attack and one from suicide.2
Meanwhile, among vaccine adverse reactions recorded in VAERS since the database was created in 1990, the Covid-19 vaccines appear to be linked to at least two-thirds of all reports that describe non-febrile hallucinations, suicidal ideation, and attempted or completed suicide.
The Asian Journal of Psychiatry published a review last month of psychiatric case reports linked to Covid-19 vaccination.3 In it the authors acknowledged that the Covid-19 vaccines are causing psychosis in some people and that doctors do not yet know why. They offered various hypotheses. One involves the cellular immune reaction that leads to T-helper cell-mediated outpouring of pro-inflammatory cytokines. From the article: “In some individuals this may lead to cytokine storm and NMDA receptor hypofunction with a resultant increase in dopamine; this may trigger a psychotic state.”
Another hypothesis is that these psychotic episodes are triggered by vaccine-induced anti-NMDA encephalitis, an autoimmune disease in which the body creates antibodies against neurotransmitter receptors. These antibodies disrupt normal brain signaling and cause brain swelling, or encephalitis.
The authors emphasized that the majority of patients in these published case reports had no prior history of psychiatric illness. They also admitted a lack of consensus in the field regarding how to manage these reactions, including “whether to restrict the second dose or switch to another vaccine…” (Seriously, they don’t know whether to advise patients who suffer psychosis following Covid-19 vaccination not to receive another dose? Such is the sorry state of “modern” medicine.)
The review in the Asian Journal of Psychiatry looked at case reports of psychosis following vaccination primarily in adults. I was unable to identify any reviews that focused on children. This leaves only the VAERS data with which to estimate the frequency and severity of these events, even though VAERS already has been found to underreport adverse reactions by a factor of 100.4
A cursory review of the VAERS data suggests that, among children, a disproportionate share of psychotic episodes are happening in 12-year-olds, perhaps because they are the youngest to receive the adult Pfizer dose. As I reported in a previous Substack, the Covid-19 vaccines are dosed by age, not size or weight.5 There is no scientific rationale for dosing any vaccines this way. The pharmaceutical companies do it because it is far more profitable to sell standardized doses across broad age ranges. The FDA allows this practice because the agency is completely captured and controlled by the industry.
True to form, the CDC has issued no guidance or warnings of any kind about psychosis following Covid-19 vaccination. The agency’s silence is particularly deafening in light of not only the thousands of cases accumulating in VAERS but also recent national news reports of unusual suicides occurring in various organizations, including law enforcement, the military, and student athletic associations. These groups, coincidentally or not, all adopted vaccine mandates.6 7 8 9
While many will be tempted to blame these suicides on the pandemic itself and all the added stress of the past two years, shouldn’t public health officials also be looking at the vaccine? Young healthy people, in particular, to whom the virus posed little threat, succumbed to vaccination often against their own better judgment in order to stay in school or the military. With few exceptions, by now they have all taken at least two doses of a mandated Covid-19 vaccine that is known to cause psychosis and suicidal ideation in people of all ages. When these youths — some of them athletes at the top of their game — suddenly take their own lives without any warning signs, should not the question at least be asked whether the vaccine could have played a role? Instead, it seems this is the one question that is never asked. 10
Here’s Stanford University explaining its decision to mandate boosters for all students: 11
Here’s a report of a student athlete from Stanford who recently killed herself in her dorm room.12 Her parents say there were no warning signs.
Here’s another example, this one from the University of Wisconsin: 13 14
Not Even a Black Box
The revelation that the Covid-19 vaccines are causing psychosis and suicidal ideation in previously healthy adults and children will not be surprising to many Substack readers, who have known for months that we were in unchartered waters with these products. Literally every public health authority in the U.S. continues to aggressively promote the Covid-19 injections, knowing full well the depth and breadth of injuries they are causing.
The FDA did finally decide last week to limit the use of the Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccine to people for whom no other vaccine option is available. The agency cited the risk of blood clots — the very same blood clots that the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines also are causing — as its excuse for pulling back the J&J product.
At the same time, the FDA and CDC are moving full steam ahead with plans to authorize a Covid-19 vaccine for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers, who remain at little risk of harm from the virus even while the government tries hard to convince parents otherwise. CDC data indicate that 403 children ages 0 - 5 have died of Covid since the start of the pandemic, out of 52,500 deaths from all causes in this age group. The CDC will now spend billions of dollars purchasing and promoting a dangerous vaccine with which to chase 0.77 percent of deaths in this age group.15 Factors that cause many more deaths but can’t be exploited to increase vaccine sales will continue to be ignored.
Whereas other authorized drugs that are discovered during post-marketing to carry a similar risk of psychosis would, at the very least, be slapped with a black box warning, there is no indication that such a warning is even being contemplated for the Covid-19 injections.
Scientists, meanwhile, acknowledge that these psychiatric events are not being properly tracked and monitored:
“There is a need to systematically collect data on psychiatric side effects of COVID-19 vaccines. To this effect, we recommend maintaining registries, both at primary and tertiary care centers, to aid data gathering and identification of risk factors. This will also potentially inform preventive strategies. There is a need to evolve a consensus on monitoring and managing psychiatric adverse reactions following COVID-19 vaccination.”16
Please share this article with family and friends who are still living in the CNN-Washington Post-Anthony Fauci bubble and have no earthy idea what is really going on in this unprecedented experiment.
Another great piece, Darby. Thank you.
What a horror show this is. And it just keeps getting worse.