Case reports show adults and children in all age groups experiencing psychosis and suicidal ideation following Covid-19 vaccination. Is a recent spate of suicides in the fully vaccinated connected?
I remember being taught about the miracle of vaccines in elementary school. I never questioned them until I went into nursing school and I was forced to get the Hep B vaccine before I could even start school. It did not make sense with what I knew about Hep B. I didn’t like taking my babies to get vaccines, it made me uneasy. Sadly, I never looked into it more. Only crazy people question the miracle of vaccines or don’t vaccinate their kids. I never got my kids the flu shot, and my mother would try to make me feel guilty about it. But I just didn’t want to. We never had flu shots growing up. Then it was chicken pox vaccines and I wondered why it was necessary? These aren’t deadly to kids. Then the swine flu scare and I got sucked into that. Then everything was fine and I really started to wonder about the excessive panic. Then I had a patient get a really bad case of G.Barre syndrome after a flu shot. After that, I will never take another vaccine or flu shot again. Maybe some vaccines are useful, but they carry significant risks as well. No one is allowed to question vaccines at all and it has become a religious devotion or ritual which makes it emotional and people have an irrational belief in them. Instead of faith in God, we have faith in vaccines? Interestingly enough, vaccines have to be “required” for school and sports and they have to have constant propaganda, or most people won’t get them on their own. If they are so life-saving, all of this wouldn’t be necessary. Subconsciously, people know. Something is very wrong. Thank you for all your research and time bringing awareness to not only the Covid vaccines, but all of them as well. All of our institutions are deeply corrupt.
If you watch clips of Yuval Noah Harari (transhumanist and top advisor to the WEF) he basically spells out the entire agenda. There are clips of him all over odysee/ bitchute (I rarely use youtube).
Klaus Schwab also lays it out when he describes his vision of the '4th industrial revolution' as 'a fusion of our physical, digital and biological identities'.
But the short answer is transhumanism. They want to turn everybody into cyborgs connected up to the cloud and AI. Think 'surveillance' but under the skin. Again, this is not my speculation, this is literally what they are telling us is their plan.
Evidence of spike crossing into the blood brain barrier? And/or an atypical response (allergy?) to one (or more) of the ingredients in these products. Wake up FDA! Oh, right, they don't care. All about the benjamins!
My stepsister had seizures after her second Pfizer shot and a 12 minute long seizure after receiving her booster. (Yes, I tried to warn her.) I recall my stepfather (age 59, no health problems) losing his ability to recall words or remember how to get out of a parking lot that he knew well for a few months following his J&J shot. I imagine MANY people have noticed these effects.
Tell me if I'm incorrect Darby, but my understanding is the lipid nanoparticles are responsible for facilitating the crossing of the blood-brain barrier. The spike cannot get through on its own. I believe it was Dr. Richard Urso who talked about this in his American Thought Leaders interview on Epoch TV.
This is excellent and I'll be sharing it far and wide.
Not only is that correct, but the lipid nanoparticles have been highlighted in the medical literature specifically for their ability to penetrate the blood brain barrier. They are considered a promising new way to deliver drugs that are designed to target the brain.
Thanks for the link, Darby. I looked specifically to see the date on the publication. So the kill and maim shot manufacturers KNEW beforehand the LNPs would be delivering the toxic spike protein to the brain. It's just one jaw-dropping thing after another.
I have a patient who has been stable with his SSRI for more than 20 years. Within 12 hours after his booster this fall he has been unable to control his anxiety. His wife said he can't even get out of bed to come in for his dental appointment. She aligned the timing of his booster and the onset of the uncontrolled anxiety but she is receiving no support/acknowledgement from medical professionals. I will share this report with her, it may help her to know that he is not alone 😞
It is so discouraging to hear doctors continue to deny the obvious connection between the vaccine and so many injuries that appear shortly after injection.
Hi Metta, my son became sick with the flu and possibly had strep around the same time, but didn’t know he had strep until we had titers run. We now believe he had underlying tick infections, but had no symptoms of those at the time….we also found out late. We think the combo pushed his immune system too much. He’s doing better now, has been on antibiotics for a while. Not sure if he will ever be 100 percent his old self again, but we are trying.
So glad to know you've seeing some improvements, and I do hope they will be continuing in the days ahead. I also know the tick infections can be a problem, too.
Have you, by any chance, explored any of these possible co-infections, just in case there might be a connection?
Thank you. Yes, we believe he has bartonella and anaplasmosis. The galaxy tests came back negative for bartonella, but only tested two strains….but my son’s symptoms are almost all neuropsychiatric so I am suspicious. We did a vibrant wellness test that was positive, but I feel it’s a lot reliable as tests go.
PANDAS is a vaccine injury, right? I have an acquaintance who is dealing with her 5 year old son having obsessive and violent thoughts. She’s boosted and vaccinated her children. Tragic.
Very hard to wrap my mind around the fact that human beings actually created this monstrosity. I weep for the majority good of humanity while reflexively recoiling from the powerful minority of monsters among us. :(
Havn't read this one. I'd suggest psychosis is a result of being gaslit on vaccines by all and sundry and a creeping discomfort with the perception of the actual reality.
This is a fantastic resource, thanks for the effort compiling these. Clearly presented, no-nonsense REAL LIFE evidence is definitely where it's at.
In case anyone is interested I've started a blog on the effects of microwaves (wireless pollution) on health and the environment. It's aimed at your average blog reader who still trusts the mantra 'safe and effective'.
There is a great deal of overlap with these two topics (microwaves/ vaccines).
Another great piece, Darby. Thank you.
Thank you for reading. Please share far and wide. It's the only way we will ever beat the censorship.
What a horror show this is. And it just keeps getting worse.
Thanks for being so persistent. I wish parents would do research before inflicting this on their children.
Sadly, for many parents, vaccination has become a religious ritual. It has nothing to do with health or science.
I remember being taught about the miracle of vaccines in elementary school. I never questioned them until I went into nursing school and I was forced to get the Hep B vaccine before I could even start school. It did not make sense with what I knew about Hep B. I didn’t like taking my babies to get vaccines, it made me uneasy. Sadly, I never looked into it more. Only crazy people question the miracle of vaccines or don’t vaccinate their kids. I never got my kids the flu shot, and my mother would try to make me feel guilty about it. But I just didn’t want to. We never had flu shots growing up. Then it was chicken pox vaccines and I wondered why it was necessary? These aren’t deadly to kids. Then the swine flu scare and I got sucked into that. Then everything was fine and I really started to wonder about the excessive panic. Then I had a patient get a really bad case of G.Barre syndrome after a flu shot. After that, I will never take another vaccine or flu shot again. Maybe some vaccines are useful, but they carry significant risks as well. No one is allowed to question vaccines at all and it has become a religious devotion or ritual which makes it emotional and people have an irrational belief in them. Instead of faith in God, we have faith in vaccines? Interestingly enough, vaccines have to be “required” for school and sports and they have to have constant propaganda, or most people won’t get them on their own. If they are so life-saving, all of this wouldn’t be necessary. Subconsciously, people know. Something is very wrong. Thank you for all your research and time bringing awareness to not only the Covid vaccines, but all of them as well. All of our institutions are deeply corrupt.
Science vs. Scientism
Outstanding work! Thank you so much!
Thank you!
What is with the obsession with these vaccines? It is really creepy. This whole thing is a disaster
Creepy is the exact right word. I'm surprised I don't hear it more often.
If you watch clips of Yuval Noah Harari (transhumanist and top advisor to the WEF) he basically spells out the entire agenda. There are clips of him all over odysee/ bitchute (I rarely use youtube).
Klaus Schwab also lays it out when he describes his vision of the '4th industrial revolution' as 'a fusion of our physical, digital and biological identities'.
But the short answer is transhumanism. They want to turn everybody into cyborgs connected up to the cloud and AI. Think 'surveillance' but under the skin. Again, this is not my speculation, this is literally what they are telling us is their plan.
Evidence of spike crossing into the blood brain barrier? And/or an atypical response (allergy?) to one (or more) of the ingredients in these products. Wake up FDA! Oh, right, they don't care. All about the benjamins!
That was my first thought as well -- spike crossing the blood-brain barrier, which we already know it is capable of doing.
My stepsister had seizures after her second Pfizer shot and a 12 minute long seizure after receiving her booster. (Yes, I tried to warn her.) I recall my stepfather (age 59, no health problems) losing his ability to recall words or remember how to get out of a parking lot that he knew well for a few months following his J&J shot. I imagine MANY people have noticed these effects.
Sorry to hear this. Yes, it seems common.
Not to mention the rapid cognitive decline and sudden onset dementia reported by staff in elder care facilities
Tell me if I'm incorrect Darby, but my understanding is the lipid nanoparticles are responsible for facilitating the crossing of the blood-brain barrier. The spike cannot get through on its own. I believe it was Dr. Richard Urso who talked about this in his American Thought Leaders interview on Epoch TV.
This is excellent and I'll be sharing it far and wide.
Not only is that correct, but the lipid nanoparticles have been highlighted in the medical literature specifically for their ability to penetrate the blood brain barrier. They are considered a promising new way to deliver drugs that are designed to target the brain.
Thanks for the link, Darby. I looked specifically to see the date on the publication. So the kill and maim shot manufacturers KNEW beforehand the LNPs would be delivering the toxic spike protein to the brain. It's just one jaw-dropping thing after another.
I have a patient who has been stable with his SSRI for more than 20 years. Within 12 hours after his booster this fall he has been unable to control his anxiety. His wife said he can't even get out of bed to come in for his dental appointment. She aligned the timing of his booster and the onset of the uncontrolled anxiety but she is receiving no support/acknowledgement from medical professionals. I will share this report with her, it may help her to know that he is not alone 😞
It is so discouraging to hear doctors continue to deny the obvious connection between the vaccine and so many injuries that appear shortly after injection.
Wow, I wasn't aware of this. Thanks for shining a light on it. 🙏🙏🙏
I was surprised myself, to see all these cases accumulating in VAERS. I guess nothing should surprise us about this anymore. Yet, it still does.
Yeah, it is continually stunning.
I forgot a few commenters writing about personality changes amongst the vaxxed, and here the most severe is in vaers.
Take good care. 💜
Very sad. Definitely looks like a PANS or autoimmune encephalitis situation. My sons has PANS. It’s a hell I wouldn’t wish on anyone.
Sorry to hear about your son's illness.
So very sorry to hear this. Did treatment for the underlying strep infection not make any difference?
Hi Metta, my son became sick with the flu and possibly had strep around the same time, but didn’t know he had strep until we had titers run. We now believe he had underlying tick infections, but had no symptoms of those at the time….we also found out late. We think the combo pushed his immune system too much. He’s doing better now, has been on antibiotics for a while. Not sure if he will ever be 100 percent his old self again, but we are trying.
So glad to know you've seeing some improvements, and I do hope they will be continuing in the days ahead. I also know the tick infections can be a problem, too.
Have you, by any chance, explored any of these possible co-infections, just in case there might be a connection?
Wishing you and your son all the best!
Thank you. Yes, we believe he has bartonella and anaplasmosis. The galaxy tests came back negative for bartonella, but only tested two strains….but my son’s symptoms are almost all neuropsychiatric so I am suspicious. We did a vibrant wellness test that was positive, but I feel it’s a lot reliable as tests go.
Have you looked into Low Dose Naltrexone?
Good to know! Thanks for the additional updates. Hopefully this info will be helpful for other parents who are facing similar challenges.
PANDAS is a vaccine injury, right? I have an acquaintance who is dealing with her 5 year old son having obsessive and violent thoughts. She’s boosted and vaccinated her children. Tragic.
PANDAS certainly can be vaccine-induced. Are you saying this started after the five-year-old received Covid vaccines?
Had not heard about the vax connection. I thought it was usually triggered by a strep infection:
The 14-year-old who hanged himself is a heartbreaking nightmare. Good god.
Very hard to wrap my mind around the fact that human beings actually created this monstrosity. I weep for the majority good of humanity while reflexively recoiling from the powerful minority of monsters among us. :(
Havn't read this one. I'd suggest psychosis is a result of being gaslit on vaccines by all and sundry and a creeping discomfort with the perception of the actual reality.
This is a fantastic resource, thanks for the effort compiling these. Clearly presented, no-nonsense REAL LIFE evidence is definitely where it's at.
In case anyone is interested I've started a blog on the effects of microwaves (wireless pollution) on health and the environment. It's aimed at your average blog reader who still trusts the mantra 'safe and effective'.
There is a great deal of overlap with these two topics (microwaves/ vaccines).
Thank you for that, Bart. I think Mother Nature may have the final say on this one. If so, Fauci and Friends will be finished.