Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi has been calling for ophthalmologists to expose this as well:


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The link doesn’t work. Could you please send it again. Thanks

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Wherever the lipid nanoparticles go clots and autoimmune attack will follow. The eyes are the canaries in the coal mine because of their delicate structure.

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Bettina Hohberger in Germany is studying covid-related eye problems and has seemed open to investigating those with problems post-vaccination from what I've read. She may be the best resource available at this time.

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Thank you!

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My aunt has eye problems. Many of my husbands customers and now a girl at work. Not good

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This is the first I heard of this. Thank you for sharing.

We all need to do two things.

1) Keep gently talking with friends and family. We need not be emotional or push too hard that they will run the other way, like mentioning wef or planned depopulation, in my opinion. They just need the facts and to be told the reason you say anything is because you care about them. I wrote the following post because even after a year of explaining, I was asked this question https://leemuller.substack.com/p/but-is-it-experimental

If the 50% of us in the know, is able to bring just ONE other person into the light, we will have a chance.

2) Call out the 120 Democratic and 91 Republican Representatives currently in the U.S. Congress who voted to pass the multi-billion dollar 21st Century Cures Act (2016) that enabled uninformed consent and pushed "Real World Evidence" during the past two years. Contact our officials to hold them accountable to: preserve our Constitutional rights by ending and preventing mandates, compensate and provide help to the vaccine injured, and remove liability protection enacted through the PREP Act (2005 and 2020). - RightingTheWrongs.org

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In April 2021, I got the J & J vaccine. About a week later I started having jittery, fluttery vision in both eyes intermittently. Went to my eye doc and had high eye pressures. In about a week, problem cleared up. Fast forward to Jan 2022. Symptoms return intermittently. Finally was able to get into new ophthalmologist in March 2022. High eye pressures. Gave drops to lower pressure. Symptoms still intermittent. Went back for more tests in April 2022. Eye pressures are better but symptoms are still intermittent but happening more often. He says it’s not an eye problem (being that it’s both eyes) and I’m now waiting on referral to neurologist. Anyone else having intermittent fluttery/blurry vision in both eyes?

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Thank you for sharing your experience. I hope you can get some answers from the neurologist. Please keep us informed if you don't mind. I'm sure there are others who have the same symptoms as you.

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Update: I had a remote lacunar infarction of the right thalmus (A Stroke). My neurologist says they can't know when it happened. I told her that I know exactly when it happened. It was about a week after I had the J & J vaccine. It also explains the eye problems and some of the memory problems I've been having. The vaccines are killing people. Please don't take a vaccine for a disease that has little chance of killing you!

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thank you very much, Jim, for sharing this. I am so sorry to read about your tragic event. I hope that you can recover. please know you have my prayers

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ivermectin, vitamin D, and pine needle tea

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I am a little late reading this Substack. I had a 38 year old patient last week who started suffering from diplopia after her first two shots. It got worse with her booster. She had not put the timing together but when I asked the question specifically after she described the events over the last 12 months, her eyes got big and I almost think I saw the light go on in her head. I followed up my inquiry with literature to support via email. Sadly her husband is an MD in our major university system (think Dr. Ralph Baric stomping grounds). She thanked me for the information and did confess that she may not take her fourth booster which she had planned to do soon. I plan to share this Substack with her! Thank you for your work!

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Great post as always. I credit you for opening up my eyes (pun not intended) regarding "routine vaccines". Thank you for that.

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What about artificial lens displacement years after the cataracts were removed? A relative had this in both eyes; she has since had another operation to put the lens in a different place, and after that operation, she has cystoid macular oedema. A year later off and on eye drops and not any better.

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My 90 yr old mom, who has rheumatoid arthritis - after 1 J&J shot experienced scleromalacia ("melting cornea") and peripheral ulcerative keratits in one eye. Perhaps the shot overstimulated her immune system and/or caused autoimmunity against a new tissue in her body (cornea). She'll get to take imfliximab/Remicade now. And she got her booster (rolls eyes).

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I’m disgusted by the fact the vaccinated still believe the vaccine & boosters are better than getting Covid itself 🤪. My cousins refer to it as the Big C. Mind you they have had all the boosters & keep getting Covid but they aren’t dying from it, so let’s keep getting those shots 🤑🤑

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Friends of ours vaccinated their two boys in mid-Nov 2021. Early Feb 2022, the 11-year-old suddenly could not see the board at school and was diagnosed with Keratoconus, a rare disease affecting the structure of the cornea. Of course they would never think the two events related, but... is this particular disease seeing an uptick since the vaccine rollout?

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Clue about motive for poor data collection by public health authorities, on post-injection injuries and deaths.

In 2017, HHS changed the 1981 definition of human subject in a clinical trial from a “recipient of a test article or control” to someone about whom data is obtained.

This suggests that VAERS, DMED other data collection failures may be deliberate (which we already know) and the reason why: no data collection means no human subjects. When combined with the acts themselves — injection with pharmaceutical products — being redefined as not clinical investigation once an Emergency Use Authorization is put in place by the FDA, no test subject has informed consent rights.

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Thank you for writing this. I hope the truth of what has happened with these vaccines will come out eventually.

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