FDA Just Destroyed Entire Child Vax Program
Yesterday, despite reams of evidence that the Covid-19 vaccines are not just dangerous but deadly, the FDA approved Moderna's vax for kids. They can now kiss their precious child vax program goodbye.
Yesterday, the FDA advisory committee voted unanimously to approve the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine for children ages 6 and up. The dosages for the Moderna injections are many times higher than the Pfizer vaccine dosages — which themselves are very dangerous — for children in these age groups.
Today, the committee meets again and is widely expected to approve both the Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 vaccines for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. Once again, there is wide disparity between the Pfizer and Moderna dosages for these children. No one can explain why the dosages are so different since we’ve been assured that the products are otherwise nearly identical. No one at the FDA or CDC seems to care, either.
Meanwhile, parents are waking up like never before. Below is my letter to the members of the committee:
To the FDA and VRBPAC:
I just want to say congratulations to each and every one of you this morning. In one fell swoop, you have permanently destroyed parent trust in the childhood immunization program. In continuing to authorize and promote the unsafe and ineffective Covid-19 vaccines -- expanding them now to children of all ages and approving them in dosages that we know to be not just dangerous but deadly -- you have ripped off your masks and revealed yourselves to be nothing more than corrupt shills for the pharmaceutical industry.
I am hearing so many parents say that not only will they not get the Covid-19 vaccine for their children; they will never get another vaccine of ANY KIND, for themselves or their children.
"I am one of those converted parents you mention at the beginning of your article. I once injected them with “the schedule” but can now see what a racket that is. I now question EVERYTHING. My oldest child had six jabs on her first “well visit” (I think this is a six week appointment?) and SIX MORE at her second appointment (12 weeks old as I recall) … it boggles the mind that I allowed that. She was seven pounds and being injected with 12 vials of absolute who knows what before 3 months old. Who in her right mind would allow that??? The MMR combo was available for my younger ones which cut down on things considerably but even 8 jabs (in 12 weeks) into those little newborn thighs is unconscionable. I am solidly “anti vax” these days, thanks covid!"
"I have so much regret that I vaccinated my 11 and 6 yr olds ….if I could turn back time. But now saying no to flu, HPV and C-19!"
"HPV and flu were always on my no list and now covid … Those are my “hard nos” but I think, for fun, we’re going to skip the last MMR and whatever other shit “scheduled” for my youngest guys arm. I’m thinking NO"
"They are putting the nails in the coffin of their regulatory capture. They are creating an entire population of parent that will NEVER put a shot of any kind in the arm of their child."
Some parents are even apologizing to their children for having vaccinated them according to the CDC schedule:
From Igor Chudov1:
Apology to my Grown Children
Dear Children:
When you were little, I made a terrible mistake. When our pediatrician told me that you needed to get "scheduled shots" to keep you healthy, I did not question that.
My search “are vaccines safe” returned only reassuring pages and information about “discredited” antivaxxers. I believed these pages and did not think enough.
I should have known better. I should have looked deeper and I should have asked around. I failed to do that. There is no way of knowing whether some vaccines you took made you worse off. I hope they did not. All I know is that assurances that you are better off with them, were given to me by crooks.
I am sorry. I did not do it on purpose.
Personally, I am thrilled with this development. As a teacher, I would rather my students take their chances with a few weeks of measles, mumps, and even whooping cough than suffer a lifetime of autism, ADHD, severe food allergies, autoimmune disease, etc., etc., etc. So many children today have nothing to look forward to, thanks to their vaccine injuries. They will never marry, hold a job, own a home, or even be able to take care of themselves. They will be entirely dependent on their aging parents, many of whom will die before they do. After that, who will love and care for them? Nobody knows.
So please, each and every one of you on the committee, take a bow and treat yourself to something really special this week. While many children and families will continue to suffer in the short term -- particularly those who get the Covid-19 vaccine -- in the long term humanity is destined to be spared tremendous suffering because of the choices you are making this week.
Darby Shaw
I am ever so grateful that my MD father steered us clear of all vaccines (in the 50's and 60's) except one (don't remember which one), in any case, he taught me to be very cautious and always insist on complete informed consent for any medical intervention whatsoever.
I will also never forget asking him when I was maybe eight years old, why all the other doctors' children who took all their vaccines, were sic all the time, and we were not. So I knew it then.
Awesome letter. Thank you for all you have done.
For years I suffered at not having a child. Then let it go. And now I am grateful every day.
Luke 23:29
The day is coming when it will not be the women with children who are blessed, but those who are childless...for they will never see their child put to death.
Never expected to see that day in my lifetime. 😢