I am ever so grateful that my MD father steered us clear of all vaccines (in the 50's and 60's) except one (don't remember which one), in any case, he taught me to be very cautious and always insist on complete informed consent for any medical intervention whatsoever.

I will also never forget asking him when I was maybe eight years old, why all the other doctors' children who took all their vaccines, were sic all the time, and we were not. So I knew it then.

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I’m jealous. My father is an MD and a complete vax quack

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I'm sorry man. I guess it takes all kinds.

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Awesome letter. Thank you for all you have done.

For years I suffered at not having a child. Then let it go. And now I am grateful every day.

Luke 23:29

The day is coming when it will not be the women with children who are blessed, but those who are childless...for they will never see their child put to death.

Never expected to see that day in my lifetime. 😢

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Prophetic.... but "not yet" we shall pray

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This has been my hope for a while now, that the hole they are digging with their newest quackcine will be enough to bury them all 😀

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It’s funny, they tout the danger of the measles and how vital the MMR shot is, yet when my brother had the measles as a teenager in the late 80s, he was mid-diagnosed, it was until the third Doctor that they got it right. So, explain to me how something so dangerous is so hard to diagnose?

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Explain to me how all of us who grew up watching The Brady Bunch can remember the episode in which all six kids got the measles at once. Nobody started planning any funerals. The biggest problem was that the kids were so not sick that they were still able to read and play throughout their quarantine. They were running their mom and housekeeper to death demanding stuff from their beds. At that time, measles was rightly seen as a nuisance in otherwise healthy, well-nourished children, nothing more. Today the CDC has many parents convinced that measles was like The Plague, killing often and indiscriminately.

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I am thankful for elderly parents who spoke the truth. It was an illness that produced lifelong immunity. The end.

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Extremely grateful for this, thank you Darby Shaw.

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The vote was 19-0, huh? Not a single “expert” had enough hesitation to go on record with a “no” vote. They hide behind the consensus of the group. There couldn’t be a clearer indication that the regulators’ agenda is NOT children’s health. Unbelievable that this is what we’ve come to.

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I thought about why they wouldn't split the vote, but you are right, if some did vote 'no' and they disclosed who voted for/against it could lead to liability for the 'yes' voters down the road.

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Yes it's about time that I apologized to mine. Skeptical at the time about them, and a resistor to being told that I should get a flu vaccine, I did not protest. I didn't even look for information on the internet. I should have, I'm sure that I would have found it.

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Same same same, I didn’t even look. I ASSUMED because the doctor advocated for them they “must be okay”. And that is when I made an ASS out of yoU and ME

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Remember when searching though, Goolag is NOT your friend.

Bing is a bit less terrible, while even Duckduckgo has started censoring content it disagrees with.

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It was not as bad at the time, in fact it probably would have been one of the older search engines like Altavista or Excite as I don't think google was around at the time.

As for now I'd add Startpage, Qwant, YaCy. And there's another one that I've forgotten which is self-hosted. But here's a page on that;


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I have two granddaughters. Both under a year. I’ve been arguing no vax with my sons for them. My second eldest son’s wife is from Africa. She is vehemently anti vax. She’s seen up close the damage Gates etal have done. My youngest’s wife though is fairly conventional. Although she wasn’t CV19 vaxed.

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Toby Rodger's Substack should convince anyone with a working brain that these vaccines are a no.

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You are lucky to have the one knowledgeable DIL … awake grandparents must just cross their fingers for their grand babies, it’s awful

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I’m so lucky. All my three sons decided on their own to NOT be vaxed. I called my eldest to talk to him about it. He said ‘Dad. I don’t care what you say, I’m NOT getting this. If you are. We need to talk about this ASAP. Because you shouldn’t.’

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You clearly raised them right. Well done.

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They’re all Super pig headed. The only thing I can take some small Credit for is I always told them whatever they do I won’t be angry if their position was well thought out. ‘Make a mistake, no big deal, provided it was a reasoned action that didn’t work out. An unthinking mistake, no you’re in trouble for that.’

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I'm thinking that the "well thought out" bit was key.

It's clear that millions of people voluntarily skipped the "well thought out" part.

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But all three were locker room lawyers before they were making good decisions. Their debating skills jumped way out in front. But, debating makes you think too. I was okay with it.

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Make sure you show them the graphs above and good luck.

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My heart aches at the suffering caused to and for so many, especially the children who don't have any choice as to what gets decided FOR them....BUT I am NOT sorry to see (hopefully) that heinous, stupid and archaic immunisation program disintegrate!! It's based on poor science, poor critical thought, poor understanding of biology within natural systems, poor understanding of quantum biology and complete and utter disrespect for the intracasies of nature, life and a child's basic human right to health! I hope it is smashed to pieces and I will dance a jig of joy on that day!!!

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Hello there. Advice please on this situation: just moved to Alabama and my kids are being required to get another varicella, meningitis, and DTap before starting school in the fall. I know that I can write a written religious objection and go to the public county health department but I wanted to see if anyone here has advice on how to craft this letter to ensure success.

What are the key points the public health officials will need to see in order to accept my exemption request?

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Great question. I believe RFK Jr.'s group, called Children's Health Defense (CHD), may have templates on his website that you can use for drafting your letter. You definitely will want to consult an authority on this and make sure that you include all the legally required points in your letter. If you don't get it right the first time, you may not get a second try.

I would check out CHD first. If you don't find what you're looking for there, do some searches on DuckDuckGo (slightly better, but not much, than Google at this point) using key terms: religious exemption, child, vaccination, template. Make sure whatever template you use comes from a parental rights group with a known track record of success.

Good luck, and please keep us posted!

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Thank you so much Darby. You confirmed my fears that I need to be very careful before I tackle this. The sad irony is that we moved here because my husband and I wouldn't get the covid vaccine in our previous state as required by our employer. So much for finding a free state anywhere.

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If your children have been previously vaccinated, it will be difficult to receive an exemption. If you find a church pastor who is willing to "convert" you and put it in a letter that vaccinations are against the belief of his church, you may be able to get an exemption.

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False. Conversion is immediate and life-altering. And individualistic.

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Why I don’t think moving solves much. It certainly makes things worse for the dwindling minority left behind in the bad states (yes, I’m stuck in CA).

That said, I wish you and your family success and happiness in AL.

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At least you are not in NY that doesn’t allow religious exemptions for school vaccines

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And didn’t the Supreme Court just strike down even entertaining the case to reinstate? I am sooooo pissed.

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In my opinion, you should decide NOW that you won't allow them to coerce you. Look into home schooling. With today's crap schools, you can't do any worse.

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Homeschool has become something anyone can do. There are pods, groups hiring teachers, parents helping each other. It’s so worth it.

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Hi there. I live in CT where right to RE was revoked a bout a year ago … my four oldest children are grandfathered in, however and all I did was handwrite a note to the school nurse “certain vaccines are against my personal beliefs and convictions”, nothing more. I was never questioned however, when the law against REs went into effect, I printed off an official state form online and submitted that again for each of my kids at the school nurse offices. I wanted to be sure. Now we are trying to decide what to do re our toddler who could not be grandfathered… we will avoid COvax at all cost … I am prepared to homeschool, we are prepared to move (Birmingham is somewhere on the list …) but now there is promising legal action to reinstate the RE. Honestly, Religious Exemption is a very simple way to clear the path for whatever horrors you want to inject into children. In this state there are fewer than 10,000 REs! We only want to be left the fuck alone and will be quiet if left alone. It is baffling, the anti RE legal maneuvers which make no sense if the objective is to vax vax vax and vax some more. The population of loud troublemakers goes *poof!* when we are allowed to opt out. I think a miscalculation was made somewhere

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You got lucky your older children got grandfathered in. In NY I know a family whose high school senior child was thrown out of school for a semester, until turned 18 - then childhood schedule didn’t apply- insanity

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Gosh … HORRIBLE. We are in CT and I know NY is worse … NY and CA lead the way and CT and NJ gallop after them drooling with desire. The level of stupidity still catches me off guard from time to time.

Viva la resistance!

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You don't need to give them any details. It's none of their business.

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Government being government, they'll be sure to keep transcripts. They shall reap the whirlwind, and bear the consequences of their actions.

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Lockdowns caused by the Plandemic have been a blessing. Don't get me wrong it has been destructive and deadly to so many however for others it was the veil that needed to be lifted. There is more darkness ahead but there is such a bright light at the end of the tunnel. We just need to hold on!

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Chills and tears reading this. Thank you so much, Darby. I “know” what you write here is the truth (this is why God is allowing all of this to happen), and yet there’s a tiny doubting part of my mind that feels like their blatant recklessness and absolute abandonment of scientific protocols gives away their assuredness that they’ll never be held responsible for any of it (and I wonder how and why they “know” they won’t be). I have to keep coming back to the truth. God’s truth. They are fulfilling their role to commit evil which will soon stop the very evil they’re trying to perpetuate.

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Love this! Thank for sending to those agencies. However I am sad to think that even though many parents have lost faith in the vaccination program…..it means nothing to those calling the shots. Required to attend school and they don’t care if we don’t like it! Too many people in charge are still believers ….school administrators, etc.

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They are true believers, as you say, which means that they will be quadruple boosted by now and going for shot #5 by fall. Some of these folks are actually going to take themselves out with the shots. Sad for them, but at least we will be rid of them.

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Well done.

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"FDA Just Destroyed Entire Child Vax Program"

That is fantastic news as vaccines have maimed and killed millions.

Autism, asthma, food allergies, hundreds of autoimmune diseases, gender dysphoria, you name it and vaccines have a role as they attack EVERY part of the body.

Vaccines and Biologics injury table based on mechanistic evidence – Feb 2020 Covering over 125 conditions


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