Thank you for this. I stopped following Berenson after his destructive, unwarranted, ill-conceived, malicious & just plain stupid character assault on Dr. Malone.

A word on shingles. 2 decades ago broke out in the torso rash. I guessed what it was, but had jury duty so grabbed my herbal books to read during wait times. Was thrilled to discover that I had growing in my garden all I needed...When I got home I made a very strong infusion of every mint family plant I had, from oregano to catmint. I strained out the leaves & drank the "tea" throughout the day. I bandaged my torso with the strained leaves, wrapped in cotton batting sprinkled with cayenne pepper. I covered the cotton with a piece of plastic wrap, then a horse bandage around the outside to hold it all in place.

I was able to work both office & minifarm. Iirc it resolved within a week. I had the distinct sense that had I been able to treat from onset, it would have been resolved in half that time.

Less convenient than pills, but free, educational & self-empowering!

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Feb 24, 2022Liked by Darby Shaw

Excellent. Very informative!

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Feb 24, 2022·edited Feb 24, 2022Liked by Darby Shaw

I had access to Ivermectin early, so had it and HCQ on hand when hubby and I contracted Covid in February, 2021. I took the IVM and he took the HCQ - both with Zinc. We sailed through without fever or cough, but felt crummy for 4 days. About 10 years ago, I contracted viral meningitis from Herpes Zoster (chickenpox at age 1, now 65), the same virus that causes shingles. Mine infected my spinal column and brain causing 3 weeks of hospitalization and (drum roll) 32 bags of Acyclovir and antibiotics. Why the hell did they keep infusing me? Because they could. I came home with a port and another week of infused antiviral. I slept for 15 hours a day for the next 6 months with relapses over the next 5 years, and I learned a very important lesson about healthcare - it's all about the insurance reimbursement, and if I was ever going to get well I had do it myself. Dietary lesson? Lysine tamps down viral replication and Arginine feeds them. Had they given me Ivermectin early on, 5 years of healthy life would have been mine for the taking, but hell no, there was no money in it. The only good thing about this entire shit show for me is that I discovered this wonder drug. They know it prevents shingles, but they have to sell those Shingle Shots for $450 a pop! Grrrrrrrrr.

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Feb 24, 2022Liked by Darby Shaw

Great work. I was once on the Alex train, but found his rudeness and arrogance unacceptable. Glad I found your substack. Informative, without the irritation. Thank you!

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On July 23, 2020, Newsweek published an opinion by Dr. Harvey Risch, The Key to Defeating COVID-19 Already Exists. We Need to Start Using It. (https://www.newsweek.com/key-defeating-covid-19-already-exists-we-need-start-using-it-opinion-1519535) The following week in Houston, the "Frontline Doctors", held a news conference with similar news regarding HCQ and the censoring and all the ugliness began.

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Their “primary” endpoint upon which they base their headline conclusion should never have been classified as SEVERE Covid—-specifically, giving supplemental oxygen for those falling below 95% oxygen saturation among hospitalized Covid patients who are over 50 with co-morbidities is NOT a severe state, especially given that we don’t have baseline O2 Sat % for the patients. And, looking more closely at the data, it appears there is a slight negative correlation between their “severe” primary endpoint and the downrange, secondary endpoints. In other words, more IVM patients fell below the 95% oxygen sat level but far fewer in the IVM group died later, nearly reaching the broadly used .05 p value, only because it was an underpowered study. If their definition of “severe” was really severe, wouldn’t it correlate with more severe outcomes, like ventilation or death? I definitely would have preferred to have IVM in my system, as it would have provided a better chance of walking out of the hospital alive!

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Excellent article. Thank you.

I have come to the conclusion that 1) Alex likes to argue and 2) Alex does not apologize. Ever. 3) Alex can be rude. 4) Alex has now gained more rude followers. (Including Anthony J Barton and AeroYev, who I suspect are nom de plume for Alex and his helper, Ray!).

So. Now I skim Alex's writing and try to avoid the comment section. Sad, because there _was_ a nice Substack community there. Ah well. Maybe Alex will get back on Twitter, which is better suited for the arguments and rudeness. Or maybe a miracle will happen and Alex will learn.

Meantime, I'll migrate to other Substack authors who contribute good works. Like this!

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Really great comparisons, Darby. So true about shingles and needing immediate treatment. I met a woman who had shingles coming on at 5 PM Friday. By the time she got to the doctor on Monday morning, it was too late, nerve damage in her leg was done. She had to rely on a cane after that, for life. Not to be taken lightly at all! Early treatment is a must.

When you said there was something in common, I was wondering about the way chickenpox lives in the spinal nerve roots, and can emerge as shingles later. And how herpes simplex is similar in the way it comes and goes, and similar prodrome feelings. Also wondering about how people with covid/vax are getting recurrent/constant herpes (read that on Jessica Rose and heard it elsewhere, too). So now I'm wondering if there has been any news about the spike migrating to the spinal nerve roots, too. Also other herpes are suspected in long covid, for example, Epstein-Barr (aka mono). Reminder of the herpes family: https://www.medbroadcast.com/channel/infection/herpes/herpes-virus-8-types Hmmm ...

Again, great write up. I will need to re-read this later! Thanks.

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Feb 24, 2022Liked by Darby Shaw

So, when do we begin the trials for crimes against humanity for all of the agencies and health authorities that discredited medicines that could have saved people and pushing harmful medicines like Remdesivir when they would have been administered too late anyway?

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Feb 24, 2022Liked by Darby Shaw

I'm an Acyclovir user since a kid, have herpex simplex from my parents. It works if u use it as soon as you feel something unusual around your lips.

But I'm here to link this interesting paper too, if you are registered to Academia.eu you can download it https://www.academia.edu/45000293/COVID_cure_or_perpetual_vaccination_30_cheap_effective_treatments_or_never_ending_ineffective_unsafe_injections_Scientific_proof_of_the_PLANdemic_with_1000_peer_reviewed_published_references?email_work_card=title

If not there is a shorter version here https://thesiscommons.org/trz5s/

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Feb 25, 2022·edited Feb 25, 2022Liked by Darby Shaw

I get the feeling that Alex lost a great many subscribers at that point. Stupid man.

BTW. Great article Darby.

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Feb 24, 2022Liked by Darby Shaw

👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻Great post!

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Feb 27, 2022Liked by Darby Shaw

Indeed Alex should not have taken a stance outside his area of expertise

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Feb 24, 2022Liked by Darby Shaw

Impressively thorough analysis.. Well done!

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Feb 24, 2022Liked by Darby Shaw

This is great Darby! Thanks for sharing

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Great article! I believe the shingles vax is recommended for ages 60+ but most of the cases I have heard about is in much younger people- one in his 20’s. After the COVID fiasco, I don’t think i would ever trust the shingles vax. I read up on some bad reactions. I didn’t know an antiviral taken at the onset could stop its progression.

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